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他是个酒鬼。He is a drunkard.

他是一个酒鬼。Crane was an alcoholic.

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酒鬼是酒的奴隶。He is a thrall to drink.

她的丈夫是个酒鬼。Her husband was a drunk.

我是个没有目标的酒鬼。I was a rudderless drunk.

那美人是酒鬼吗?Is the beauty a drunkard?

她骂他是个酒鬼。She named him winebibber.

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基布尔先生是个酒鬼。Mr. Keble was an alcoholic.

酒鬼会不会有宿醉?Do alcoholics get hangovers?

两个酒鬼在小酒店打架。Two drunks fought at the pub.

我不能说他是个酒鬼。I wouldn' t say he' s a tippler.

这酒鬼又开始胡言乱语了。The drunkard began to rave again.

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他像一个酒鬼摇摇晃晃。He was staggering about like a wino.

正如酒鬼败坏了酒的名声一样。Just as drunks have done to alcohol.

谢辽日卡是个懒汉,酒鬼。Seryozhka is a sluggard, a drunkard.

他是一个的酒鬼的儿子,名叫韦斯利。He was a rounder 's son named Westley.

老板要求那个酒鬼戒酒。The boss asked the drinker to dry out.

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男人中最讨人厌的是酒鬼。Of all men the drunkard is the foulest.

我们应该希望这个酒鬼走了多远?How far should we expect the drunk to be?

我爱你超过酒鬼的絮叨。I love you more than gin rummy is a bore.