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我记得上回也是你请的。I think you got it last time.

上回路加福音结尾是这样的。Last time in Luke it ended this way.

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上回我们谈到延异。Last time we spoke about differance.

你上回打扫房子是什么时候哇?。Whens the last time you cleaned this place?

他说,“Ryan,马上回办公室来!”He says "Ryan, come back to the office now!"

他忘记马上回那封信了。He neglected to answer the letter right away.

惠美子带着一些醉意从晚会上回到家。Emiko came home a little tipsy from the party.

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我打德律风来,是由于上回的发票有错。I'm calling about mistake on our last invoice.

是啊,你怎么知道我上回在屋外没种成?What are you doing?Don't dilly dally, hurry up!

是啊,你怎么知道我上回在屋外没种成?Yeah, how did you know I haven't sowed well outside?

猴子便以上回售枪之事威胁丁大胜。The monkey was above back to sale gun of DingDaSheng threat.

“好的。我愿意!”戴西在安德森的电脑服务器上回了话。"Well, yes, I will! " Daisy answered her proxy in Mrs. Anderson.

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晚上回到家浑身上下没有一块肌肉不酸痛。Back at home in the evening, I was reduced to a sore flesh all over.

上回收箱。推荐使用轻,平均重量箱25磅。Recommend using on light and average weight cartons up to 25 pounds.

约阿施的儿子基甸由希列斯坡从阵上回来And Gideon the son of Joash returned from battle before the sun was up

上回大贝贝和妈咪在车上试玩故事接龙成功。Last time Justin successfully tried out " Story Solitaire" with Mummy.

约阿施的儿子基甸由希列斯坡从阵上回来。Gideon son of Joash then returned from the battle by the Pass of Heres.

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上回连续三个小时看到蓝色生物,还是晚间感冒药喝多的时候咧。Last time I saw blue creatures for three hours, I drank too much Nyquil.

这个年轻人和他的新娘开始踏上回他的祖国的旅途。The young man and his bride set out on a journey back to his native land.

兰登能听到他自己的脚步声在头顶的玻璃上回响。Langdon could hear his own footsteps reverberating off the glass overhead.