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南传上座部传统的僧伽日。Sangha Day in Theravada tradition.

傣族信奉南传上座部佛教。Dai believes in South-Shangzuo Buddhism.

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请上座原谅我粗率的回答。May your eminence forgive me for this crude answer.

让你的笔电上座,所有电视里录到的东西都存在你的电脑里。Dock the notebook and your recorded TV shows are copied to your PC.

在古代缅甸,上座部佛教一直同王权保持着紧密的联系。In ancient Burma, Theravada Buddhism kept a close relationship with the royal power.

与此同时,斯里兰卡成了佛教早期派别上座部的中心。In the meantime, Sri Lanka became the centre of the earlier Theravada order of Buddhism.

他们在节日宴会时坐的是上座,穿得是最昂贵的衣服,受众人的羡慕。They had the seats of honor at the feasts, the fanciest clothes, and the admiration of the people.

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他现在已是蜚声国际,许多次被报章杂志电视节目邀约上座。He is now becoming famous on the international scene. He has appeared on various newspapers and TV shows.

所有从上座部、大乘和金刚乘的领导僧人,都一同决定你们的师尊是我们的师尊。All the leading monks from Theravada, Mahayana and Vajrayana together decided that your Master is our Master.

二千五百多年来,佛教发展出两大主要传统,即南传上座部佛教和北传大乘佛教。For over 2,500 years, Two major traditions in Buddhism have been developed – Theravada 's Sthavira and Mahayana.

在上座部佛教,菩提和涅槃是同样的意思,即是从贪婪,仇恨和妄想中解脱。In Theravada Buddhism, bodhi and nirvana carry the same meaning, that of being freed from greed, hate and delusion.

侯生整理一下他的破旧衣帽,径直走上车去坐在公子的上座。Hou Sheng is tidying up his old clothes and hat and then goes straight to the seat where the Prince should be seated.

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进一步考虑到近来联赛事端频发,中超上座不景气也更加能够理解。Further, taking into account the recent League of frequent incidents, more than Theravada recession and more able to understand.

拉森达体育场的上座记录是52943人,于1965年9月26日瑞典队和联邦德国的一场足球比赛创造。The record attendance for the Rasunda is 52,943 for a football match between Sweden and Germany FR which took place on 26 September 1965.

上赛季平均上座人数为75,304,让他们超越皇马,去年排名第一皇马今年下滑到第五名。Their average attendance of 75,304 last season saw them leapfrog Madrid, who dropped from first to fifth in the annual rankings by analysts Futebol Finance.

这里展出的作品广泛地反映了上座部和大乘—金刚乘等部派不同的艺术风格,可以使人们对于佛教艺术传统的丰富多彩有所了解。The exhibition covers a wide range of the heritage of both Theravada and Mahayana-Vajrayana orders, providing a view of the richness of the whole Buddhist tradition.

充分保证了支座上座板与梁体、下座板与墩台之间在水平力为设计水平承载力三倍时无相对位移。Between the top board of the support and girder, between the bottom board and frusta when the level power is three times of the design horizontal supporting capacity.

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或者说,如果腐败之源、无能之辈恰好就坐在会议桌上座的话,董事会又怎能充当防范卫士呢?How can a board act as a safeguard against corruption or incompetence when the possible source of that corruption and incompetence is sitting at the head of the table?

为了这使命,我们属于上座部、大乘或金刚乘的所有人,都需要把自身投入到像世界佛教青年僧伽会一样巨大会议所产生出的道途。For this mission, all of us belonging to Theravada, Mahayana or Vajrayana, have to involve ourselves in the path that we generate from the great conferences like that of WBSY.

还有其它道途,像是上座部,这是一切佛教道途的基础,是一条直接了当的道路,不会激发出各种神神秘秘的期待。There are other paths such as Theravada, which is the foundation of all Buddhist paths. This is a straightforward path, which does not spark off all kinds of mystical expectations.