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当男性内衣模特儿?Model men's underwear?

船上有内衣模特!Lingerie models on a boat!

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这件内衣我穿了会发痒。This underwear tickles me.

脱掉你的内衣。Take off your underclothes.

尼龙内衣很容易洗。Nylon underwear washes well.

他的羊毛内衣总是使他发痒。His wool shirt always itches him.

今年的内衣秀也不例外。This year*s show is no exception.

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史丹佛,他可是个内衣模特。Stanford, he's an underwear model.

听过可食用的内衣吗?Have you heard of edible underwear?

他甚至手洗我的内衣!And he even hand-washed my delicates!

弹力牛仔裤、椅套、内衣。Stretch jeans, seat-covers, underwear.

你喜欢有肩带的内衣还是无肩带的?Do you like the bra with straps or not?

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买件性感的睡衣或者贴身内衣。Splurge on a sexy nightgown or lingerie.

维多利亚的秘密时尚内衣秀。The. Victoria's. Secrets. Fashion. Show.

觉得我或者该从她的内衣来洞穿她。Thought I'd go look through her drawers.

卡尔文·克莱恩设计牛仔裤及内衣。Calvin Klein designs jeans and underwear.

她把自己的几件内衣挂在那里晾着。She hung some of her undies there to dry.

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棉质内衣对皮肤有益。Cotton underclothes are good for the skin.

美国一件外套一件内衣,下身却光着。USA has a --- and a top, bares the bottom.

针织高领内衣颜色多。Knitting high-necked underwear many colors.