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是的,监狱让你麻木不仁。Yes, prison desensitizes you.

他似乎比以前更显得麻木不仁。Hurstwood seemed more apathetic than ever.

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即便是麻木不仁的恐惊之军也无法摧毁。That the numbed armies of fear cannot destory.

我从未见过像吉娜那样麻木不仁的人。I've never known anyone as insensitive as Gina.

我不知道原来我是这么一个麻木不仁的笨蛋。I didn't realize I was being an insensitive clod.

就是不要再麻木不仁地对待它。Scream about it. Just don’t go back to being numb.

麻木不仁的人们,醒来,反对战争!The benumbed and callous people, wake up to oppose wars!

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由于麻木不仁和固执,我心将难以敞开。Because of unfeeling and obstinacy, my heart will hardly open.

在电视上看太多暴力,会使人对暴力麻木不仁。Seeing too much violence on television can desensitize people to it.

沵一想到自己旳爱情史,会痛哭流涕,麻木不仁。As soon as you thought own love love history, can cry one's heart out, numb.

对于政府处理地产投机态度麻木不仁,我引以为耻。I felt ashamed for the callousness of the government in tackling land speculation.

悲剧不时发生,连那些麻木不仁的人们也有所触动。Once in a while, a tragedy occurs which touches even the most case-hardened heart.

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你是否因为某个坏脾气的司机,某个粗鲁的服务生,某个不尊重人的上司,或者某个麻木不仁的雇员而一天都心情不快?Do you let a bad driver, rude waiter, curt boss, or an insensitive employee ruin your day?

但是,一旦上班工作,这些咨询顾问就盯住焦点,无虑其他,这时,大部分思维变得麻木不仁。But once on the job, the consultants stay focused beyond the point when most minds go numb.

我们不可过于依靠自己,因为我们时常缺乏圣宠,并且麻木不仁。WE MUST not rely too much upon ourselves, for grace and understanding are often lacking in us.

他神经过敏,睚眦必报,麻木不仁,但同时也风度翩翩,魅力四射,满腔热血。He was neurotic, vindictive and insensitive as well as charming, charismatic and full of warmth.

当电视上有声有色的描述著可怕的犯罪事件时,又如何能期待我们的儿童不会变的麻木不仁?When we are graphically exposed to heinous crimes no TV, how can the children not be desensitized ?

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在詹勒罗夫人跟前,一个人的激情会变得麻木不仁,热血也会变成掺了水的牛奶。Passion was to go to sleep in the presence of Mrs General and blood was to change to milk and water.

在詹勒罗夫人那,一个人的激情会变得麻木不仁,热血也会变成掺了水的牛奶。Passion was to go to sleep in the presence of Mrs. General and blood was to change to milk and water.

我们进入他们的系统了!丽莎默默欢呼,努力表现出垂头丧气和对殴打麻木不仁的样子。接着干。We're inside their system! Lisa exulted, trying to look defeated and numbed from beatings. Here goes.