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第二十四条合同款拨付。Twenty-fourth contract payment.

郑女士说,政府还需要拨付更多。It needs to provide more, Ms Zheng says.

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第十八条资金拨付申请。Article 18 Application for appropriating funds.

这些钱从10月1号开始的2008年财政年度预算中拨付。The money is for the 2008 fiscal year, which began October 1.

您的费用我们已经拨付给您了。We have already appropriated the reimbursement for approved expenses to you.

筹集,运用,拨付国家铁路各类资金,并监督使用情况。To raise, applyandallocate various fundsofnational railways and supervise their utilizations.

我局还发动机关和直属单位干部职工向灾区捐款30万元,并及时拨付灾区。In SFA, all staff made donation of 300,000 Yuan and transferred to the disaster stricken area.

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管理铁路建设基金的收缴、拨付和预决算工作。To administer the collection, allocation, budgets and final accounts of railway construction funds.

要拯救金融体系,已经拨付的资金或许远远不够,可能还需要大笔开销。Rescuing the financial system will probably require large outlays beyond the funds already disbursed.

国家特定人群健康及状况研究所将重新审定并评估特定人群的健康标准,活动经费由国家卫生研究所拨付。NIMHD will review, coordinate, and evaluate all health disparities research conducted or funded by NIH.

检举奖励资金的拨付,按照财政国库管理制度的有关规定执行。The allotment of the funds for rewarding tip-offs shall be governed by the state treasury management bylaws.

中央政府从来就不善于拨付预算分配,地方政府在这方面就做得更差。The central government has never been good at disbursing budget allocations, and lower-level governments are worse.

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瘟疫流行期间,清政府拨付专款,设局施药施棺进行直接救治。During the plagues, the government put in special fund to set up organizations that gave drugs and coffins for free.

县政府把育龄妇女保健纳入全县工作计划之中,财政拨付专项资金。Women of childbearing age health care into the county to county work program, the Financial appropriated special funds.

当前我国林业建设资金来源比较单一,主要还是政府的财政拨付形式。Currently, China's forestry construction funds channels are quite unitary, mainly from government's finance appropriates.

费希尔先生说,一些市政当局正在推动国土安全局拨付更多款项,来支持这种公交探测系统。Mr. Fisher says many municipalities are pushing DHS for more federal grants to support such mass-transit detection systems.

中央财政拨付抢险救灾资金384.37亿元,地方财政也投入抗震救灾资金243.28亿元。The central government allocated 38.437 billion yuan in rescue and relief funds and local governments, 24.328 billion yuan.

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截至目前,该基金已向政府和非政府组织能力较低的地区提供了多项社会服务,因此它被认为是向农村人口拨付全球食品价格危机应对计划所提供援助的最快捷和最有效的途径。The fund was therefore seen as the quickest, most effective way to channel GFRP assistance to people in rural areas, says Al-Ahmadi.

拨付各分支机构营运资金额的总和,不得超过总行资本金总额的百分之六十。The sum total of operating funds allocated to all the branches may not exceed 60 percent of the total amount of the capital of the head office.

当所有的这些资金被拨付,将没有剩余资金用于未来的工作,捐赠国必须拿出更多的钱去填补这一空白。When all these grants are funded, no money will be left for future rounds, and donor countries need to come forward with more money to fill the gap.