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除非他是裸体。Unless he was naked.

除非我们选择努力。Unless we choose to.

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除非你是她,梅艳芳!Unless you are Anita Mui!

除非邀请,他才肯来。He will not come unless invited.

除非与祢结合,我不会贞洁!Nor chaste, except you ravish me.

除非你有鱼子酱。Unless you have a little caviare.

除非发生意外,我们会去那儿的。Barring accidents, we'll be there.

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除非你是一名爱尔兰银行家。Unless you're a banker in Ireland.

除非你需要帮助否则别打电话找我。Don't call me unless you need help.

除非逼不得已,否则不会去帮助他人。Don’t help others unless you have to.

除非这一理论是错误的。Except the theory was probably wrong.

除非俺获邀请,否则偶就留在家里。Irll stay at home unless Irm invited.

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除非我们能批量生产社会习俗。Unless we mass produce social customs.

除非她把蜘蛛侠还给我。Not unless she gives my Spiderman back.

也就是说,除非等到它们被剪掉了。That is, unless they have been sheared.

除非你自己能做得更好,否则不要吹毛求疵。Don't knock it unless you can do better.

除非我们另换一套服装。Mm. Unless we go with a different dress?

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除非我们还有什么事要说。And unless we have something want to say.

不要请病假好几日,除非真的生病了。Don\'t take days off sick-unless you are.

除非你想,否则它没有性别。It is not sexed unless you want it to be.