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停止物欲增长,保持简朴。Stop expanding and keep it simple.

但伊斯特林的论证却指出人类的物欲永无止境。But Easterlin's evidence points to the persistence of materialism.

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在这种追求中,也不排斥某些感性与物欲的要求和倾向。In this pursuit esthetic and substantial requests are not repulsed.

当然,心灵的飞升需要克服物欲的重力。While of course it has to overcome the gravity of material desires.

自然的悦人是因其可爱,不掺杂任何物欲之念。Nature satisfies by its loveliness, and without any mixture of corporeal benefit.

自然的悦人是因其可爱,不掺杂任何物欲之念。Nature satisfies by its loveliness , and without and mixture of corporeal benefit.

劳勃•拜拉席恩向来是个物欲旺盛,也很懂得享受的人。Robert Baratheon had always been a man of huge appetites, a man who knew how to take his pleasures.

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物质生活方面必须简朴,不要役于物,不要让物欲享受成为自己的负担。His life must be simple and plain. He must avoid being enslaved by material that becomes his burden.

美国人对购物的偏爱可不只是一种物欲社会的天然副产品。The American love affair with shopping is more than the natural by-product of a materialistic society.

最终他就会失去了自己与生俱来的自性,迷失在物欲诱惑的陷阱之中,痛苦一辈子而不能自拔了。Finally, he will lose the inherent self-nature, stranded in trap of temptation, and paining in his whole life.

我们的社会正遭受物欲的挑战,许多成功的国家也在面临着同样的问题。The lure of materialism challenges our society -- challenges society in our country, and in many successful countries.

超脱于物相而不执著于俗世和传统以及现在与将来的物欲渴求。Non-attachment is freedom from longing for all objects of desire, either earthly or traditional, either here or hereafter.

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在那样一个物欲竖淌的时代,该金钱统乱所有,己师的价值以货币掂量的时候,世界显失这么黯浓有光!In this urgly material world, when money rules, and the value of human life is measured by currency, the world loses its effulgence!

人的堕落在于人心被物欲所佔满,心思意念随著血气而走,被世界的潮流所吸引。His fall consisted in his being brought, through the lust of the flesh and the world, under the power of things visible and temporal.

不管是出于纯粹的物欲还是为了调节情绪,人们早已了解到有些人的购物欲望是无法克制的。The itch to shop has long been known to overwhelm some people, either because of simple materialism or to compensate for emotional problems.

一些评论者称之为“流行性物欲症”----由过度优越的生活条件导致,表现为对并不需要的东西的渴望。Some commentators diagnosed what would today be called “affluenza”—an excess of prosperity which made people hunger for things they did not need.

的确,在这个物欲纵横、生活压力较大的社会,门当户对是显得多么的理所当然。Indeed, in this desire for material welfare vertically and horizontally , the life pressure big society, is properly matched is appears naturalness how.

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我们会陷入一个无尽的消费负债并不断工作的循环中,这样会使我们的生活充满了物欲却对于生活的意义与快乐一片空白。We end up in an endless cycle of spending and debt and working more and more, and end up with lives filled with goods but empty of meaning and happiness.

放弃了对感官享受的全部物欲,没有了牵附和依恋,丢掉了假我和占有欲,那个人就获得了真正的心灵清净。That person attains peace who giving up all material desires for sense gratification lives free from attachment, free false ego and sense of proprietorship.

中国拥有13亿人口,物欲泛滥的时代改变了人们的思想,现实的生活中尽显贪婪的丑恶嘴脸。China has more than 1.3 billion population, the proliferation of material times have changed people's minds, in the reality of life show the ugly face of greed.