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这台晚会是现场直播还是录播?Was the performance live or record?

新鲜全接触,直播好生活。Fresh whole contact, live good life.

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今晚音乐频道有一场演出直播。A live show on Music Channel tonight!

活泼的长尾小鹦鹉视频直播。Streaming video of Sparky the parakeet.

直播还是录像,这真的太坑爹了。Live or taped, it's really, really lame.

这是现场直播还是录相节目?Is it a live broadcast or a recorded one?

现场直播需要这样灵活的装载车。Live standup is provided by such live truck.

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他在国家电视台上直播了挖掘过程。He broadcast the exhumation live on state TV.

直播新墨西哥州阿尔布开克,美国。Live images from Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA.

谢谢刘总作客我们网络直播间!Thank you Mr. Liu studio guest of our network!

她在我们纽约的直播间参加我们的节目。And she joined us from our studios in New York.

7月5日晚上8点,韩国女主播李秀彬开始直播。At 8 pm on July 5, Lee Soo-bin started her show.

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原创音乐艺人,他会出现在接下来的拉里·金现场直播节目。a music world original, next on LARRY KING LIVE.

HBO电视台将于本周日晚7点开始直播庆典盛况。HBO will show the event on TV on Sunday at 7 p.m.

本场足球比赛是从纽约为您现场直播的。The football games came to you live from New York.

这是当时现场直播,以谷歌的网站。This is then broadcasted live to Google's website.

马车上的菩提和洛基。通常直播在东部时间9-5点。Bodhi and Loki on the chaise. Usually live 9-5 EST.

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这次会议在一个政府网站上进行了直播。The conference was webcast on a government website.

天宫二号发射时,电视进行了现场直播。The Tiangong-2 launch was telecast live on state TV.

比如在现场直播节目中。For example as a backchannel during live programming.