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半衰期是很有用的。And again, the half-life is always useful.

相比之下,铯-137的半衰期为30年。The half life of cesium-137, in contrast, is 30 years.

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商业机会有半衰期,就像铀一样。Business opportunities have a half-life, just like uranium.

这种放射性元素半衰期约为5700年。This radioactive element has a half-life of some 5, 700 years.

半衰期从几分之一秒至数十亿美元的范围。Half-lives range from fractions of a second to billions of years.

它们在体内的半衰期估计为7至11年。Their half-life in the body is estimated to be seven to eleven years.

若没有这个酵素,这个化学反应的半衰期会是一万亿年。Without the enzyme, the reaction's half-life would be a trillion years.

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氯化苦的消解很快,在土壤中的半衰期为5.5天。Chloropicrin disappears rapidly from soil. Its half-lives in soil are 5.5 days.

锕射气氡的一种放射性的,惰性的和气态的同位素,其半衰期为3。92秒。A radioactive, inert, gaseous isotope of radon, with a half-life of3.92 seconds.

碘-131的半衰期为8天,对人身健康危害相当大。Iodine-131 has a half-life of eight days and is quite dangerous to human health.

氡的一种放射性的,惰性的和气态的同位素,其半衰期为3。92秒。A radioactive, inert, gaseous isotope of radon, with a half-life of 3. 92 seconds.

放射性碘的半衰期为八天,几周内自然衰变。Radioactive iodine has a half-life of eight days and decays naturally within weeks.

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钫的最稳定的同位素,钫-223也只有22分钟的半衰期。Even Francium's most stable isotope, Francium-223 only has a half-life of 22 minutes.

求出了失稳的动力学常数、半衰期和失稳活化能。Kinetics constant, half time, activation energy of instability process were obtained.

在英国,官方反对使用核能的半衰期很短。THE half-life of official opposition to nuclear power in Britain has been very short.

半衰期实际上是,一半反应物消失的时间。So, the half-life is just the time that it takes for half of the reactants to disappear.

除了铀,更令人关注的其他元素与更长的半衰期人。Alongside uranium, other elements of greater concern are those with much longer half-lives.

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在稻田自然环境中,去草胺乳油和颗粒剂的残留半衰期,在田水中分别为1。Under natural conditions of paddy field, the half-life of butachlor was determined to be 1.

多因素分析表明,临床分期和CA125半衰期对预后有影响。Multifactor analysis showed FIGO stage and CA125 half-life were factors affecting prognostic.

现在可明显看出,硫柳汞的短半衰期避免了毒性的积累并发生。Now it's obvious that ethyl mercury's short half-life prevents toxic build-up from occurring.