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好了,大家再朝里挤挤。OK, push in a little bit, everybody.

事实上,如果你真的想锻炼,时间就和海绵里的水一样,挤挤总是有的。If people really want to exercise, they find the time.

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他挤挤鼻子,合上嘴,并且使劲儿吹。He squeezed his nose, closed his mouth, and blew really hard.

在翚“kfc”挤挤就算了,在电梯上居然也是人山人海!In "KFC" winks calculate, incredibly is packed in the elevator!

金妮常常都是用她的小字挤挤挨挨地写满四五页才能算完。Jennae often wrote four or five pages in her tightly packed print.

这艘渡船两周才在比马港停靠一次,船下的码头上人头挤挤。The ferry only stops in Bima fortnightly , and the pier below was very crowded.

他朝我挤挤眼、点点头,瞬间然我感到没什么可怕的。A wink of his eye, and a twist of his head, soon gave me to know, I had nothing to dread.

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甚至在如今的日子里,到了周末,情人旅馆里人头挤挤——要住进去还不太容易。Even these days, on the weekend, every love hotel is full of people -- it's hard to get in.

卡蒂姆带我去了埃尔伯特市场,市场用波纹铁皮和纸箱搭起,里面人头挤挤。Katim guided me around Albert Market, a warren of corrugated iron, cardboard boxes and commerce.

我一看势头不对,急中生智,赶紧抱住一个人的腿,随着他吼吼挤挤,好不容易上了车。I see a wrong move, momentum, to hold the legs of an individual, as he left squeeze, finally got in the car.

但在我那不规整的花床上长得不错,尤其在初夏,它们蓝光闪闪的花与大戟挤挤挨挨地开作一处。Still, ideal for my informal borders where their blue starry flowers jostle with euphorbias in early summer.

伴随着这个蘧然,我们挤挤挨挨地把脚踏车从酒店推出来,然后迫不及待地在门口拍了一些照片。With a pleasant surprise, we pushed the bicycles out of the hotel and couldn't wait to take some photos at the gate.

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我有一种激情,喜欢离开人头挤挤的大路去旅行——这样可以让我把在伦敦的工作远远抛开。Travelling off the beaten track is a passion of mine – it takes me a long way away from my day job working in London.

想起刚才我们两人挤挤推推的往上走很搞笑的样子,真是让人忍俊不禁。Think just the two of us pushing and squeezing squeeze of rising in a very funny look, really people simmer with laughter.

来挤挤网为您提供各地汽车用品制造、销售等展示商。To packed crowds throughout the network to provide you with automotive products manufacturing, sales and other exhibitors.

这两个车站总是人头挤挤,会让你登上列车找到自己座位时,更有一种兴奋感。These termini always seem full of people, which adds to the sense of excitement once you board and find your spot on the train.

诗人描写了莲叶如小鼓一样挤挤挨挨连成一片的景象,十分形象生动。Poet described the lotus leaves, such as snare drum, like squeezing into a crowded endure endure even the sight of a very vivid.

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厚实的黑土地上,平铺着挤挤挨挨的优质牧草,重叠着浓淡相宜的悠悠绿色。Thick black floor tiles with high-quality crowd squeeze suffer suffer grass, overlapping with affordable countless shades of green.

去年我去音乐节的时候连野营帐篷都没带出来,不过很幸运,一些朋友的帐篷里还有点空地方,结果我就跟他们挤挤睡下了。We even arrived without a tent at Reading last year, but luckily a few friends had some extra space so we ended up crashing with them.

暴徒们涌到了歇朋家栅栏前,挤挤嚷嚷,密密层层,吵得你连自己自言自语的声音都听不清。They swarmed up in front of Sherburn's palings as thick as they could jam together, and you couldn't hear yourself think for the noise.