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雨把尘土变成了软泥。Rain turns dust into mud.

远洋软泥的来源是什么?What is the origin of pelagic oozes ?

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你觉得海藻像是用软胶厚涂的绿色软泥吗?Do you think of algae as gloopy green slime?

她女儿喜欢用软泥捏各种东西。Her daughter likes to shape things from soft clay.

在结冰的软泥上面,我们的手脚打滑。Our feet skitter and our fingers slip on the icy ooze.

这些不同类型的软泥水均属软泥阶段的浅变质水。The ooze water of these various types belongs to low metamorphic water.

不久后海洋软泥层开始在老的硬地层上堆积。Soon layer of oceanic ooze began to accumulate above the old hard layer.

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由牡蛎礁构成的小岛上覆盖着一层薄薄的黑色软泥。The islands consist of oyster reefs covered with a thin veneer of black mud.

软泥怪能够通过吞噬蔓延物来回复生命值,也能以潜行的方式悄悄离开。Slimes are able to merge with the creep to regenerate health and sneak away undetected.

不走运的是,在岛之间有一层软泥,27米厚在那个地方。Unfortunately, between the island there was a layer of soft mud, 27 meters thick in places.

那里也有一个手印,是当中一名原始人在软泥上失足所造成。There is also a handprint , made when one of the primitive humans slipped on the soft earth.

小心,不要把很多对,因为它可能软泥出方,但一定要涵盖边。Be careful not to put to much on as it may ooze out from the sides but be sure to cover the edges.

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而在秋季觅食喜欢利用硬泥底生境,较少利用腐草底和软泥底生境。It likes to use hard mire bottom, and less use putrefied grass and oozy bottom in autumn in habitat.

荷兰生产的这种木鞋不只是给人穿的,还会给马穿,以防它们的双脚陷入软泥中。The Dutch made wooden shoes not only for themselves but also for horses in order they do not sink in soft soil.

在软泥中,可以利用挖掘机,很容易地把需要延伸的管子穿过泥土推下去。In soft clay, tubes of the extending type can easily be pushed down through the clay by using a mechanical excavator.

软泥由大部份为贝壳、有孔虫与矽藻,或含饱和水的泥所组成的深海泥沙沈积物。A muddy deposit of the deep ocean composed mostly of shells , foraminiferans and diatoms, or mud saturated with water.

特定条件下,沉淀物质会形成软泥沉积。无论是软泥还是水垢,均会导致热水器的运行效率大幅降低。Under certain conditions the deposits form sludges. Both sludges and scale can lead to a sharp reduction in operating efficiency.

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热泉沉积软泥的有机质中的含硫氨基酸、含硫芳烃也起到了一定的聚金作用。Sulfur bearing amino acid and aromatics within organic matter of hot spring sedimental mud also play a role for gold congregation.

肯尼亚的雨季已经开始,那些连接着家庭和商业区的小径已经成为易滑的如同黏土的软泥。The Kenyan rainy season has begun and the tiny paths that connect homes and businesses have turned into a slippery clay-like sludge.

自威尼斯在死水湖软泥中的木桩上建立起来后,这座有着五光十色的魔力的城邦已有一千多年历史了。Built on wooden pilings sunk in the ooze of a backwater lagoon, Venice rose over a millennium to become a city-state of dazzling power.