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那接下来发生了什么呢?1962年时市场行情骤变。What happened? The crash came in 1962.

所有的水域都有波浪和方向骤变的浪。Every body of water has waves and chop.

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天气的骤变打乱了我的全部计划。All my plans were upset by the sudden change in weather.

油、气、水的鸿沟能够是骤变的,也能够是骤变的。Boundaries between oil, gas, and water may be sharp or transitional.

方向骤变的浪是在很多不同方向上的小波浪涌在一起形成的。Chop is the result of lots of little waves with no apparent direction to them.

像这样的温度骤变在地球上是不会发生的,但为什么会发生在月球上呢?A temperature change like this cannot happen on the earth. Why does it happen on the moon?

对大体积混凝土,当气温骤变时,易产生温度裂缝。The large volume concrete is easy to produce cracks when the sudden change in temperature.

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当约伯面对人生骤变,而神又默然不语时,他仍然找到可以赞美神的理由。When Job's life fell apart, and God was silent, Job still found things he could praise God for.

拍完上面几张,没两天,天色骤变,风急雨大,叶落了不少。The next day, the weather turned sour again, heavy rain and gusty wind brought down a lot of leaves.

他们猜想日常的拥堵的波动起伏是因为骤变的交通流量。They assumed the familiar “stop-and-go” waves of congestion were due to the sheer volume of traffic.

但是,今天,四月的一个下午,天气骤变,连浪花都漂起十英尺高,一切都是躁动的。But today on a stormy April afternoon when spray flings itself ten feet in the air nothing is gentle.

但是,今天,四月的一个下午,天气骤变,连浪花都漂起十英尺高,一切都是躁动的。But today, on a stormy April afternoon when spray flings itself ten feet in the air, nothing is gentle.

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尽管进行了此次对话,但观察家表示,两国外交关系发生骤变的可能性很小。Despite the encounter, observers said that a shift in the diplomatic positions of either state was unlikely.

这对那些想要获得几百万美元印刷机投资的报纸来说是个困难的骤变。It can be a difficult leap to make if you're a newspaper looking at multi million dollar printing press investments.

说明海水盐度的逐渐变化比海水盐度的骤变对远海梭子蟹的影响小。All these show that the gradual changes of seawater salinity have less influence upon Portunus pelagicusthan the sudden changes of it.

吉尔表示,目前科学家还无法确定冰河时期动物灭绝的原因、以及为什么全球气候会发生骤变。She said that scientists still aren't sure why animals of the ice age died off, or why the world's climate might suddenly warm and cool.

吉尔表示,目前科学家还无法确定冰河时期动物灭绝的原因、以及为什么全球气候会发生骤变。She said that scientists still aren’t sure why animals of the ice age died off, or why the world’s climate might suddenly warm and cool.

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一旦环境条件发生改变,如温度骤变、食物匮乏、种群密度过大等,就行两性生殖。However, it would convert into sexual reproduction under environmental stressors, such as temperature changing, food lacking, community density excessing, and so on.

天气骤变打乱了食品供应,但2008年能源和肥料价格跳涨情形不复见,也没有囤积食品的情况.While weather shocks are disrupting food supplies, there has been no repeat of the leap in energy and fertilizer prices or of the accompanying hoarding seen in 2008, Anderson said.

它的弱点是散热性差,锅体遇热后不易散开,汤品煲时切忌加热后冷水入锅,免得因冷骤变而破裂。It is the weakness of the poor heat, in case of the pot difficult to disperse heat, the soup pot of cold water, and refrain heated Ruguo avoid sudden changes due to cold and rupture.