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我去见了牧师。I went to see the padre.

为毕牧师身体的康复代祷。For healing of Rev. Beck.

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我是米莎凯的牧师。I'm a cleric of Mishakal.

他是塔克西斯的牧师。He's a cleric of Takhisis.

这是我的父亲,张恩民牧师!Rest in peace my dear daddy.

要是埃德蒙当上牧师就好了!If Edmund were but in orders!

药师和牧师。Medicine men and the priests.

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苏格兰式牧师住宅。晚上。戈登在书房。Night. GORDON is in his study.

当牧师是十分非常好的。Priest was a wonderful priest.

牧师给婴儿施浸礼。The minister baptized the baby.

牧师穿着黑色衣服。The priest was garbed in black.

象你这样的一个牧师,必须结婚。A clergyman like you must marry.

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牧师一听,当场昏死过去了!And the minister fell over dead!

他在授予圣职仪式上给新的高级牧师涂圣油使他神圣化。He anointed the new high priest.

我们是来自奎尔萨拉斯的牧师。We are priests from Quel'Thalas.

我钦慕这位牧师的奉献精神。I admire the priest's dedication.

我喜欢牧师的职务。领唱圣歌。I enjoy ministry. To lead a hymn.

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疲惫不堪的牧师喃喃地念祷词。The weary priest droned a prayer.

你可以是一个会计人员同时是牧师吗?Can you minister as an accountant?

牧师喃喃地念赞美诗。The minister droned out the psalm.