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因夹杂炉渣或耐火材料颗粒而造成的不纯净钢。Dirty steel due to entrapment of slag or pieces of refractory.

她每天晚上将炉渣从炉子里耙出来。She rakes the ashes out of the stove in the evening every day.

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游离氧化钙是造成转炉渣膨胀的主要因素。Free CaO is the main factor affecting the distensibility of slag.

采用炉渣烟气处理印染废水是一种简易可行的办法。Treatment of dyeing waste water by slag and smoke is easy and convenient.

炉渣对镁铝钛耐火材料、镁铝铬钛耐火材料的侵蚀主要表现为渗透。The penetration of slags into the refractories is the main facts observed.

适用于石灰石、炉渣、焦碳、煤等物料的中碎、细碎作业。Used in the primary and secondary crushing of chalk, cinder, coke and coal.

本文介绍液态炉渣粘度测定微型计算机控制系统。A microcomputerized viscosity metering system for molten slags is developed.

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介绍了利用高炉炉渣制造微晶玻璃的方法。Methods for manufacturing glass ceramics from blast furnace slags are described.

讨论了含钒转炉渣在炼钢过程中的行为。The behaviour of the vanadium bearing slag in smelting process has been discussed.

硅铁还原白钨矿时,炉渣碱度应控制在1.5以下。Basicity of slag should be less than 1.5 during scheelite reduction by ferrosilicon.

展望了炉渣微晶玻璃的发展前景。The development trend and prospect of metallurgical slag glass-ceramics are predicted.

转炉渣的质量可由硅酸三钙和游离石灰量大体鉴别,以便分级管理和充分利用。The quality of the slag was graded by its content of tricalcium silicate and free lime.

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本实验以含钛高炉炉渣为主要原料制备了具有光催化性能的陶瓷釉料。Photocatalytic ceramic was prepared by the titaniferous blast-furnace slag in this paper.

研究结果表明,攀钢磨细高钛高炉渣水化活性指数仅为77。The results demonstrate that the hydaulic activation index of high titanium BF slag is 77.

可降低渣灰含炭量、节约用煤,减少炉渣量,降低废气对环境的污染。It may reduce the carbon content of cinder, save coal, and reduce pollution to environment.

直到地步,他们烧毁我们炉渣和刷了剩下的灰烬。Up until the point where they burnt us to cinders and brushed away what was left of the ashes.

精炼炉渣作为烧结烟气脱硫剂将具有良好的经济效益和环境效益。Use refinery cinder for absorbent of flue gas will get good enviromental and economic benefit.

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研究了一种高效的浸出高硅铜冶炉渣的方法。The leaching efficiency of copper smelter slag with high silicon is investigated in this study.

岩相检验方法可以确定炉渣的矿相组成和分布。Composition and distribution of slag can be determined through mineralogical morphology inspection.

介绍利用造气炉渣和锅炉废渣生产粉煤灰砖的情况。A description is given of the production of fine coal ash bricks from gasifer slag and boiler cinder.