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现在我们一文不名了。Now we are penniless.

因为有个非常好的理由。我一文不名。For a very good reason. I'm broke.

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但是她并没有成功,一文不名的铩羽而归。However, she was unsuccessful and came back broke.

你的工作是个玩笑,你一文不名,你的爱情如昙花一现。Your job's joke, you're broke, you love life's D. O. A.

你的工作是个玩笑,你一文不名,你的爱情如昙花一现。Your job's a joke, you're broke, your love life's D. O. A.

乞丐和你我没有不同,除了他们一文不名之外。A beggar is no different than you or me, ' cept he ain' t got no money.

如果它一文不名,那就太令人吃惊了——毕竟开一次盛会的代价还是蛮高的。It would be a surprise if it broke up in disarray — the stakes are too high for that.

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西光的情人出卖了西光,西光输了官司,一文不名,欠了一大笔债。West light lover betrayed west light, west light lose the case, broke, owes a great debt.

接下来像大多数这类故事的情节一样,在一文不名的时候,他发现连朋友也没有了。As generally happens in such cases, the moment he was penniless he found that he was friendless too.

而只有那些一文不名的穷光蛋才会说有钱并不幸福。The only people who say money does not happiness are the pathetic broke individuals who do not have it.

大概就是因为这个,当他落得一文不名的时候,就来找我了,再说他和我同姓。I suppose that is why he came to me when he went broke, that and the fact that he was a namesake of mine.

不经意间,当你人到中年、一文不名,没有人注意你时,你就得到了无比的自由。And then, not expecting it, you become middle-aged and anonymous. No one notice you. You achieve a wonderful freedom.

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他明知我一文不名,可还是每天都告诉我他刚刚在附近找到了廉价出租的房间。And though he knows I'm absolutely penniless he tells me every day about some cheap room he has just discovered in the neighborhood.

从一文不名到硅谷领袖,乔布斯对科技行业的影响力已难以估量。From long-time underdog to the new king of Silicon Valley, Mr Jobs had assumed an improbably outsized influence over the technology industry.

短短一个世纪,中国从一文不名的穷小子摇身一变成了世界银行家,而欧洲正截然相反。In just one century, China has gone from financial basketcase to the world's banker, and Europe has made the same trip in the other direction.

很多赌徒在这里变得一文不名,而众多的典当经纪人在里斯本旅馆附近的大街上建立起自己的商店。Many gamblers impoverish themselves here, and it is no coincidence that numerous pawn brokers have set up shop in the streets around the Hotel Lisboa.

“这个女人,逝得一文不名,在疗养院里已是痴呆,如果她想的话她可以从母亲节中获益,”Antolini说。"This woman, who died penniless, in a sanitarium in a state of dementia, was a woman who could have profited from Mother's Day if she wanted to, " Antolini said.

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但没过几个小时,这段录象便向全球播出,毁掉了SITE创始人雷塔卡茨经年发展起来的技术,如今功效全失,一文不名。But within hours, the tape was broadcast worldwide, destroying what SITE founder Rita Katz says are techniques that took years to develop and are now ineffective and worthless.

新面貌的默西塞德郡巨人在之初被媒体热议为联赛锦标有力的争夺者,而在兵败斯托克城之后又被媒体贬得一文不名。The new look Liverpool side were held up almost immediately as genuine title contenders, only to be heavily criticised and plunged back into crisis after their defeat to Stoke.

她总是困顿窘迫、需要帮助,儿女的投奔更把她推向绝望的境地,失业的儿子杰克衣衫褴褛,陌生的女儿怀着身孕、一文不名。There was never enough help for her, and the arrival of her son Jack, out of work and dressed in rags, and a daughter she scarcely knew, pregnant and penniless, made things desperate.