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一个人的阳气足不足。Of a person's lack of yang foot.

压力太大易生气的人可能是阳气过盛。People who are too stressed out and angry may have too much yang.

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这种脉象通常意味着体内阳气过盛,或者有火。This usually means an excess of fire or Yang energies in the body.

但是如果是压力过大或是容易生气的人,也许是阳气过盛。But people who are toostressedout and angry may have too much Yang.

六八阳气衰竭于上,面焦,发鬓颁白。At sextuple eight, the Yang energy declines from the top, desiccated face, grey hair.

但是阳气常存,到后直至满月晚,极阴之时,鬼门开。But the sun to endure, until the full moon night after, extremely Yin, ghosts door open.

因此,秋季养生就是要好好收藏身体的阳气,这样来年才能有生发的基础。Therefore, the autumn health is to collect the body, so next year to yang-qi melhado basis.

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天地间的阳气自发的汇聚,渐渐的化形为神。Between heaven and earth Masculinityn gas spontaneous aggregation, and gradually form of God.

阳气不足会导致气的温煦作用减弱,引起恶寒、四肢冰冷、体温降低等等。For example, the insufficiency of yang-qi may impair the warming action of qi, causing an aversion to cold, cold limbs.

冬季的到来,自然界表现为阴盛阳衰、气温降低、寒气袭人,因此,人体阳气容易受到损伤。The arrival of winter, nature is weak, the temperature decreased, hanqixiren, therefore, the human body Yang easily damaged.

第三,阴气出乎天,而阳气出乎地,这个观念是早期道家宇宙论思想的一个重要特点。The third, that the yin-qi came from sky and the yang-qi from the earth is a important characteristic of early Taoist cosmology.

湿病是湿邪蕴积于人体而产生的一类疾病,时刻重视阳气在体内的通达是仲景论治湿病一大特色。Zhongjing's therapies for damp disease are characterized by the much attention to the smooth circulation of yang-qi in the body.

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春季适合喝花茶,花茶性温能散发冬季积郁在体内的寒气,促进人体阳气生发。Spring suits drink scented tea, jasmine tea of temperature can send out in the cold winter leisurely, promote human body hair growth.

阴气至极,阳气始生。冷空气活动频繁,人体阴气较重,防寒保暖,及时补充高热量食物。Yin Qi comes to it's extreme, Yang Qi buds, waether is cold, internal Yin rising, keep warm and supplement high carolie food in time.

痰湿体质是多种疾病的发病的重要内因,耗伤阳气、阻碍气机、痰多挟瘀是痰湿体质人群患病后的病机特点。Thecommon pathogenesis of phlegm-dampness constitution was consumption of Yang Qi , the stagnation of Qi and Phlegm complicated with stasis.

中医理论认为,到了秋季,气温转凉,大自然阳气潜藏,人体阳气也随之转入收敛状态。Chinese medicine theory is that, to turn cold temperatures fall, human nature, and the yang-qi hidden into convergence condition and the yang-qi.

伯阳父用阴阳二气解释地震发生的原因,并认为阴气和阳气是按一定次序排列的。In the ending of West Zhou dynasty, the thought of Yin—Yang was further developed, Yin and Yang were connected with "Qi", which had the material.

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病理性的出汗和阴液、阳气的盛衰,以及阳气对阴液的蒸化过程是否有阻碍这3个要素紧密相关。Phathological sweating is closely related to the sufficiency and deficiency of Yin-fluid and Yang-qi and the evaporation of Yin-fluid by Yang-qi.

通过文献研究及临床实践总结,认为阳气虚损在糖尿病发病过程中起重要作用。Based on study of literature and summarization of clinical practice, it is considered that Yang-qi deficiency plays an important role in attack of diabetes.

大开天门,是将天的阳气和地的阴气集中于丹田,吸收天地能量,让身体达到阴阳和谐的自然状态。Dakai Tianmen is to gather the Yang of the sky and Yin of the earth to Dantian, absorb power of the nature, and let the body reach a harmonious state with Yin-Yang balance.