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比薄棉袜厚实绵密。Thin cotton socks than thick-knit.

等量的烹煮香浓咖啡和绵密冒蒸的奶泡!Equal parts rich-brewed coffee and frothy steamed milk!

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我慢慢的咀嚼着,凝思着脂肪的芳香和肉质的绵密。I chewed it slowly, dwelling on the sweetness of the fat and the density of the meat.

关于食品搭配,卡本内苏维浓结构绵密,食品要能使之平衡。With respect to food, Cabernet Sauvignon is about structure and it needs food to balance it.

遵循意大利传统手艺要求细致绵密口感,选用顶级意大利玛斯卡邦尼芝士。Follow Italian traditional handicraft requirements of delicate taste, and select top-class mascarpone cheese.

至少在那一刻,他彷佛感觉到脚下绵密如绒的草皮,也听到了场上球迷的吵杂声。And for that moment, at least, it seemed as if he could feel the plush grass underfoot and hear the buzz of the crowd.

我们为我们强调的是绵密的企业文化着称,因此它是特别困难的,有让任何员工去。We are known for our emphasis on tight-knit corporate culture, so it is particularly difficult to have to let any employees go.

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粥与中国人的关系,正像粥本身一样,稠粘绵密,相濡以沫。The relationship between porridge and Chinese people is just as porridge itself-being mixed with sticky dense and profound feelings.

如何建构绵密的社区互动网络,以及良善的社会道德规范,来增强社会信任?How can it construct a fine and careful network of community interaction and good social norm of ethics to strengthen social confidence?

当然,苹果又脆又新鲜,橙子冰凉多汁,不过有时候人们想要吃一种没那么多水分却又具有绵密口感的水果。Sure, apples are crisp and refreshing, and oranges are cooling and juicy, but sometimes you want a fruit with less water and more creaminess.

一字一句,宛如绵密妥帖的针眼,绣着深深的父爱,让人心灵沉浸其中,为之动容。Word by word, like a tight-knit appropriateness of the eye of a needle, embroidered deep fatherly, people immersed soul which are visibly moved.

牛奶戚风蛋糕,绵密戚风蛋糕夹著牛奶内馅不甜不腻清爽口感-夏天冷冻吃起来会像冰淇淋蛋糕唷!Sandwiched with milk cream, chiffon cake is neither sweet nor greasy, and it tastes just like ice cream cake if being frozen in the refrigerator!

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这款带有浪漫玫瑰花香的粉红色洗面乳,滋润的乳霜质地,能够搓出绵密而细致的泡沫,充分清洁并保湿妳的肌肤。This romantic roses with pink cleanser, moisturizing cream texture, dense and detailed that the bubble can fully clean and moisturizing your skin.

令人陶醉的巧克力芝士,油香浓郁,结构绵密扎实,加上巧克力的苦甜,美妙心境油然而生。Intoxicating chocolate cheese, incense oil full-bodied, with chocolate icing solid structure, the bitter sweet, beautiful mood arises spontaneously.

过去的表演者有节比喻为麦加的音乐,这完全是致力于创造一个更创新和绵密的岩石社区。Past performers have likened the festival as the Mecca of music, which is totally dedicated to creating a more innovative and tight-knit rock community.

这个旧料回收材质与清水墙所展现的空间质感加上开放而延续的平面空间,与外在基地绵密的绿意整合而共构了一个极富趣味的绿色现代居住空间。Together with the outdoor greenery, these recycled materials and cast-in-place concrete walls inside an open interior space establish a green modern living space.

简介绵密又札实的口感,提升了牛奶与奶酥的双重享受,更在烘培后像海绵蛋糕一样的吸引注目。This paste has been improved with tasting both milk and milky filling. The soft, smooth and strong taste of the paste is as attractive as the sponge cake, after baking.

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他和她在恍如童话般的世界里相遇,现实与梦境,甜蜜与残酷,经历与幻想绵密交织着。然而,生活往往不如你我所愿。He and she met in a world like fairy tales. Reality and dream, sweetness and cruelness, experience and imagination mingling together, yet life is always out of our control.

凯歌绵密如毡的草地,洁白如玉的沙坑,精心设计的球道、果岭,让打过无数球场的球师也感到“这里太漂亮了”。Veuve the advantage such as carpet grass, white Ruyu the bunker, well-designed fairways and greens, let the ball fought numerous court division also was "too beautiful here."

休马丁,PacBio公司的首席执行官,在今天通过电子邮件发给发表声明说,它已被其绵密的企业文化公司“极其艰难的一天”。Hugh Martin, PacBio’s CEO, said in a statement circulated by e-mail today that it has been “an extraordinarily difficult day” for the company given its tight-knit corporate culture.