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他是个手艺平平的厨师。He is an indifferent cook.

她穿着平平常常的衣服。She was wearing nondescript clothes.

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她是个为人很好但是相貌平平的女孩。She's a nice but plain-looking girl.

平平,请给我们看看你的照片。Pingping, please show us your photos.

那个叫平平的男孩来自中国。The boy called Pingping is from China.

成绩平平。The results are about up to the average.

平平要我在英语上帮助他。Pingping asks me to help him with his English.

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事业的平平淡淡,也许就是生活的太太平平吧!The cause of the light, may be living in peace!

平平的妈妈是社区的护士之一。Pingping's mother is one of the district nurses.

比克斯比先生是个收入平平的牙医。Mr Bixby was a dentist who made an average income.

小丽是个才女,但是相貌平平。Xiao Li was a talented girl, but quite plain-looking.

而我是个学习平平、像貌平平的女孩!And I am a moderate learning, like look like ordinary girl!

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一度强盛的Borders连锁书店今年也业绩平平。Borders, a once-mighty book chain, was flattened this year.

他不过是一个平平庸庸的继承人而已,一个不足以大惊小怪的人物。A mediocre successor and a man not to be feared too greatly.

林说自己的成绩平平,他还退选了一个课程。Lin’s grades are “so-so,” he said, and he dropped one class.

台湾的西部海岸大都是平平的沙滩。Taiwan's western shoreline is mostly flat and sandy beaches.

我们先来谈下“平平”,它到底是什么意思。Let's talk about the word "average" and what it REALLY means.

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也许你是个智力一般、表现平平的学生。Perhaps you are an average student with average intelligence.

办公室破旧不堪,而学生呢,多数资质平平。He had a dumpy office and taught mostly unimpressive students.

马克是我们一位英俊的求职者,而迈克则相貌平平。Mark is our handsome applicant, while Mike is average-looking.