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这项新法律简直成了为逃税者开的许可证。This new law amounts to a tax evader's charter.

全都被社会活动分子贴上了逃税者的标签。Each has been branded a tax dodger by activists.

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这两个店东因逃税而坐牢。These two shopkeepers are in prison for tax evasion.

这两个店主因逃税而坐牢。These two shopkeepers are in prison for tax evasion.

愚蠢的企业逃税漏税,聪明的企业合理避税。Stupid business evades tax and smart business avoids tax.

如果他们是商人,人们就会告他们逃税。If they are businessmen, people accuse them of tax evasion.

内马尔还被有关逃税的指控缠身。Neymar has also been dogged by allegations related to tax evasion.

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请问黄任中逃税漏税还是避税?或仅止是税务规划?Has he committed Tax Evasion or Tax Avoidance or just simple Tax Planning?

它最后也夭折,当时杨斌因为在中国逃税而被逮捕。It too came to naught, when Mr Yang was arrested in China for tax evasion.

他以做假账的手法连续三年逃税。He avoided paying tax for three consecutive years by doctoring his accounts.

海先生是在因逃税服刑完毕后再次遭到逮捕的。Mr. Hai was rearrested after completing an earlier sentence for tax evasion.

具有讽刺意义的是,到目前为止我们手头上都没有逃税者的名单。The irony of it is that the we don't have the list of tax evaders in hand yet.

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具有讽刺意义的是,到目前为止我们手头上都没有逃税者的名单。The irony of it is that the we don’t have the list of tax evaders in hand yet.

如果大家以捐赠的方式来学习像我一样去“逃税”,那再好不过了。It's so great that everyone "evade the payment of tax" bying donation as what I do.

不过逃税的社会倾向一旦建立,再改就难了。But a social inclination toward tax evasion, once established, is hard to eradicate.

我父亲是一宗一男子逃税案的主法官。My father was the presiding judge in a case involving a man charged with tax evasion.

长期以来,在洗钱、毒品走私和逃税领域。Having long had a market among money launderers, drug smugglers, and tax evaders, the.

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贝当古夫人已承认逃税并许诺把这些事情解决好。Mrs Bettencourt has admitted tax evasion and has promised to put her affairs in order.

您能否已经以逃税为手法而放弃美国雄民身份?Have you ever renounced United States citizenship for the purpose of avoiding taxation?

经济活动被迫转为地下,而地下活动常常可以逃税。Economic activity gets driven into the underground economy, where it often escapes taxation.