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从控制你的花销开始。To begin, curb your spending.

去外面吃几顿饭后的花销加在一起就很厉害了。A few dinners out do add up quickly.

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对所有花销有一个准确的列表。Have an accurate list of all expenses.

我们的钱根本不够花销。Our money won't even begin to cover expenses.

像往常一样,她的花销中最大的一项是服装费。As usual, she spent most of her money on dress.

现在我需要一千美元,才能涵盖所有花销。Now I need a thousand to cover all the expenses.

他每个月都寄来支票付房租和日常花销。He sent a check each month for rent and expenses.

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谁在和浪费的拨款项目花销作斗争?Who fought against wasteful and earmark spending?

你们提供的花销包括邮寄费了吗?。Does the cost you offer include the mailing charge?

这次度假的花销超出了我的预想。The costs of the vacation surpassed my expectation.

但是一个关键的变量是政府花销。But one of the key variables is government spending.

这些证明了长久运营方面昂贵的花销。That proved costlier for the public in the long run.

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这将会帮你存些钱以备未来花销。This will help you to save for your future expenses.

而--这种病最坏的症状,正如我的朋友,汤姆.科本所说,财政特别拨款是一种入门毒品,因为那是一扇门,一扇通向不受控制的花销和腐败的大门。It's a gateway to out-of-control spending and corruption.

这笔花销超过了格陵兰的年国民生产总值。That is more than the gross national product of greenland.

但他很留心皇室的花销,个人的花销But he paid attention to royal expenses, personal expenses.

你可能会对你在伙食上的花销感到惊讶。You might be surprised by how much money you spend on food.

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如果我当时听了他的话,我的花销也不会那样失控。If I had, my spending may never have spiraled out of control.

如果你们是南方人,你们会支付购买冬衣的额外花销吗?Will you pay extra so your Southerner can buy winter clothes?

我能够做的只是预言您的花销将是非常精打细算的。All I can do is predict you're going to spend it really wisely.