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它能掩蔽所有的人吗?Can it shelter all of them?

这个土丘可做我们的掩蔽物。The mound can be used as our screen.

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暮霭渐渐掩蔽了海洋和丛林。Darkness was blacking out both sea and jungle.

我们用树枝和树叶建造成一个掩蔽所。We used branches and leaves to form a shelter.

车道被一株大柏树掩蔽着。The driveway was sheltered by a large cypress tree.

士兵将一枚手榴弹呈弧形抛进敌方掩蔽壕里。The soldier looped a grenade into the enemy shelter trench.

这样制造一个掩蔽物好让它们的敌人看不见他们躲开。This makes a screen so their enemies can't see them slip away.

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几门大炮立刻瞄准了这个掩蔽的掩体。At once several gun crews aimed their guns at the fake flowerbed.

把萨达姆·侯赛因从掩蔽坑中揪出来引发了一阵“我们抓到他了!”Pulling Saddam Hussein out of his spider hole set off a “we got him!”

可以利用大自然中的水、食物和许多材料来建造掩蔽处。Nature will provide water, food and plenty of materials to build shelters.

我可使黑暗笼罩诸天,使麻衣掩蔽天际。I will clothe the heavens with darkness, and will make sackcloth their covering.

意识形态虚假性表现为掩蔽性、教化性和非批判性。The hypocrisy of ideological formality is hiding and incitement and non-critique.

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只需点击'生成代码'和即时子公司链接掩蔽没有休息你。Just click 'Generate Code' and Instant affiliate link masker does the rest for you.

国内外尚无人对冰力掩蔽效应进行专门研究。There are few researches in the shield effect on ice force been reported in the world.

是向一切有生命的眼目隐藏,向空中的飞鸟掩蔽。Seeing it is hid from the eyes of all living, and kept close from the fowls of the air.

探讨了在双通路立体声条件下的双耳掩蔽效应。The binaural masking effect under stereophonic condition is mainly studied in this paper.

用头盔或枕头保护自己的头部,并掩蔽在一个安全的地方,比如桌子下面。Protect your head with a helmet or cushion, and hide in a safe place, such as under a table.

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噪音对信号的掩蔽作用显著,其中低音最易被掩蔽。The noise occultation was significant, and the undertone was the easiest one to be occulted.

他感觉到有双看不见的眼睛正从树叶茂盛的掩蔽处注视着他们的每个举动。He had a feeling that from amidst the leafy cover unseen eyes were watching their every move.

我们将探讨多个掩蔽刷子,以及它们如何能够帮助我们创造太极拳的网格。We'll explore the multiple masking brushes and how they can help create our ShadowBox meshes.