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于是,英国成为了一个金本位制度的国家。So England became on the gold standard.

如果基于金本位,这些就不会发生。On a gold standard this cannot take place.

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因此金本位只会让经济窒息。It is held that this can only suffocate economies.

在没有中央银行的完全的金本位体系中,钱就是黄金。On a pure gold standard without the central bank, money is gold.

既然是基于金本位,那么必须有一个采用金本位制的国家存在。For being based on a gold standard, it implies the existence of one.

多数时候,这一做法凭借金本位制度得以实现。Most of the time, this was accomplished with a gold standard system.

然后1933年,美国放弃了金本位制度3,其他国家也在此之后也相继放弃。The United States dropped it in 1933 and other countries did it later.

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所以,三十年代,金本位制度结束,每个国家都放弃使用它。So the gold standard ended in the 1930s and every country dropped it.

我们知道在金本位下,货币就是黄金,它不会消失。We have seen that on a gold standard, money, which is gold, cannot disappear.

回归到金本位仍旧不太现实,但至少现在敢往这方面想想了。A return to the gold standard remains unlikely, but it’s no longer unthinkable.

金本位制度的最基本形式包括发行含金的铸币.In its most basic form, the gold standard involves the issuance of coinage in gold.

当时的联邦储备系统是一个,像英格兰银行一样的金本位制度的机构。The Federal Reserve System was a gold standard institution like the Bank of England.

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奥地利、波兰、罗马尼亚等都采取这种“本国纸币与他国金本位纸币挂钩”的制度。Austria, Poland, Rumania, etc., are on this paper-based-on-paper-based-on-gold basis.

论文分析了放弃或坚持金本位是如何影响贸易政策的。It examines how the decision to quit gold or to cleave to it affected trade policies.

今天,美国正处在20世纪30年代那些金本位国家所处的位置上。Today, the United States is in the position of the gold-standard countries in the 1930s.

在二十世纪三十年代发生的是,一个接连一个的国家放弃了,金本位制度。What happened in the 1930s was that one country after another abandoned the gold standard.

此外,很难看出该方案该如何兑现我们关于维持金本位养老金的承诺。It is also difficult to see how this meets our commitment to maintain gold standard pensions.

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根据金本位时代的物价行为,可以有充分证据来支持这一观点。There is fair evidence to support this view from the behavior of prices in the gold-standard era.

我们可以得出这样的结论金本位如果不被滥用,不会产生繁荣和萧条周期。We can thus conclude that the gold standard, if not abused, is not conducive to boom-bust cycles.

俄亥俄州州长麦金利联合了东部的赞助人,大力推行金本位货币体制。Ohiogovernor McKinley built a coalition of Eastern business patrons to push hardfor the gold standard.