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我,是我灵魂的统帅!I am the capitain of my soul.

将领也是这样统帅军队的。Also, generals ran their armies this way.

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军官应该知道怎么样统帅他的士兵。An officer must know how to handle his soldiers.

当然最后还是要落实到他作为统帅的责任。Ultimately, though, his duty was to his commander in chief.

但是,总统的角色与统帅的职责无法相安无事。But the president's role as commander in chief cut two ways.

彼得第一次在统帅力上超越了他的对手。For the first time Peter begain to out-general his adversary

我们阿西塔银河系的统帅们,感谢你们的注意。We of the Ashtar Galactic Command thank you for your attention.

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现在,彼得第一次在统帅能力上超越了他的对手。Now, for the first time, Peter began to out-general his adversary.

即便是二十年前的军队统帅也将权力分散到小团体。Even military leaders two decades ago chose to share power with a clique.

只要我担任统帅,我将继续恪守承诺。And as long as I’m Commander-in-Chief, it’s a promise we’ll keep. Thank you.

他的名字之前每每冠以“年轻的将军”“我们的统帅”之类的称号。His name is routinely prefixed by the titles Young General or Our Commander.

尤达担任统帅,在前线指挥中心督战。Yoda, acting as general, oversaw the battle from the forward command center.

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虽然毛派有意合并两支军队,但另一方的最高统帅很不情愿。The Maoists want to merge the two forces. The army's high command is reluctant.

马卡尔,我现在统帅千军,每一支魔箭正怒视着你,准备受死吧。I've got an army now, Markal, and every single Eldritch Arrow has your name on it.

他在担任北大西洋公约组织的驻欧洲盟军最高统帅时,曾敦促北约盟国把全球能源供应作为一项安全问题对待。While serving in Europe he encouraged NATO to regard global energy as a security issue.

慨然表现出他作为统帅的无畏胆识与雄大气魄。Generously to show him as commander in chief for the fearless courage and great spirit hung.

共和末年的统帅们获得了这项权利,可以把公民权授予辅助部队。Military commanders acquired the right in the late Republic to enfranchise auxiliary troops.

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前统帅在1979年的政变中掌握实权,任职到1988年民主的到来。The ex-general seized power in a coup in 1979 and served until the advent of democracy in 1988.

这是Vrillon的声音,阿西塔银河统帅的一位代表,对你们说话。This is the voice of Vrillon, a representative of the Ashtar Galactic Command, speaking to you.

现在聆听GRAMAHA的声音,Asta银河系统帅的代表,对你们说话。Hear now the voice of GRAMAHA, the representative of the Asta Galactic Command, speaking to you.