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空气中飘溢着香水的雾气。A mist of perfume hung in the air.

花的芳香在空气中飘溢。The faint sweet smell of flowers lay in the air.

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房间里仍飘溢着她那淡淡的香水味。The faint smell of her perfume lingered in the room.

友谊是盛开的玫瑰,每一层都飘溢着芳香。But friendship is the breathing rose, with sweets in every fold.

蜜蜂嗡嗡地哼,石竹花的芳香在空气中飘溢开去。There was the hum of bees, and the musky odor of pinks filled the air.

在漠漠轻寒的夜里,在亘古流淌的风中缱绻、飘溢。In the misty Qinghan the night, in the ancient flowing Embrace in the wind, drift.

画一般的雪国,飘溢着浓郁的日本风情,给人以美的享受。The picture-like XueGuo, wafting dense flavor of Japan, gives us a kind of artistic enjoyment.

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这儿有耐克、苹果电脑、李维斯的专卖店,甚至星巴克的咖啡香气都飘溢在空气中了。There's Nike, Apple computer and Levi's stores, and the smell of Starbucks coffee hangs in the air.

让白色污染远离厨房,让美味飘溢四方,让千家万户的人们永远健康。White pollution so far away from the kitchen, so delicious Quartet drift, so that the health of thousands of households will never.

当你学会了如何让生活中时时飘溢着淡淡清香的技巧之后,就会更喜爱香水,并渐渐习惯性地少不了它的陪伴。After you learn the skill of making your life full of the light and sweet scent, you will love perfume better and come to get used to being accompanied by perfume.

在美丽的莱茵河与延绵的孚日山脉的莫邨村庄,四处飘溢着迷人的醇香,威曼卡罗庄园就座落在村庄的东面。On the bank of beautiful Rhine and in the rolling Vosges, Chateau Wieman Carlo lies in the east Merten village with exhilarating vinous flavor spreading everywhere.

在茅台镇这里,到处飘溢着高粱发酵散发刺鼻味道。这里几乎全部人都在为这家酒厂工作,价格大幅上升成了一种荣耀。Here in Maotai, where the pungent odor of fermenting sorghum is overpowering and almost everyone works for the distillery, spiking prices have become a point of pride.

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我的寿司香味飘溢十里,同学们和王老师都盯上了我的寿司,纷纷来拿,我赶紧把“财物”分给他们,大家吃后都绝口称赞。My sushi fragrance drift ten, classmates and teacher Wang are eyeing me sushi, have to take, I quickly put the "property" and gave it to them, we eat after did praise.

旷古泉水中加入山楂、砂仁酿制药汤,芳香飘溢,可促进新陈代谢,强化身体机能,疏理肠胃。Hawthorn granulated nuts stirred into the spring from time immemorial to medical soup, the fragrant fades and fall to promote your metabolism and strongly you body function.

最后对数控系统运行中的控制信号飘溢现象进行了试验研究,为ARM嵌入式数控系统在旋压机床上的应用提供了坚实的理论依据及实践基础。Finally, the controlling signal drift has been investigated experimentally, which provides the theoretical datum and practical base for the ARM embed controlling system of CNC spinning machine.