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不过说回异性恋的片子。But back to straight porn.

打开别离舱门,美国经典片子。哈尔。Open the pod bay doors- HAL.

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感谢大大分享!刘亦菲的片子!Let me share with it, thanks!

这部片子的故事情节让人不知所云。The plot is incomprehensible.

这个片子是低成本短片。It is a low-budget short film.

这是一部粗制滥造的电影片子。The film is a piece of schlock.

你的胳膊需要照一个X光片子。You must have your arm X-rayed.

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这是老部片子,但很好。This is a old film, but very good.

有许多新的片子要首映。There are many news films releases.

这个戏剧院在放映什么片子?What is the film as of this cinema?

他们拍这部片子亏了很多。They lost considerably by this film.

他是这部片子的武术指导。He is the martial arts choreographer.

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该患者CD4多少?CT片子能发上来?How about CD4? Can send CT film here?

这是老部片子,但很好。It's an old film, but it's very good.

他的片子简直部部都是让我喜爱之情满溢。I really like every movie he directed.

在这部片子中,马克和迪丽娅就做得很好。In this case, Mark and Delia Owens do.

这是老部片子,但很好。It is an old film but it is very good.

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在片子中她们甚至还接吻。They even kiss each other in this video!

在那部片子里有会飞的企鹅。And they had flying penguins in the show.

她告诉我她刚拍完一部新片子。She told me she had just made a new film.