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并有特殊的鬼节和舞牦牛。And have special Halloween and dance yak.

作者员额用“牦牛”的用户名。The author posts using the " yak " username.

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我们把牦牛皮、牦牛肉和牦牛的毛卖出去。We can sell the yak skins and the meat and hair.

牦牛又大又壮——不过雪人更大。Yaks are big and strong – but the yeti was bigger.

那头看上去可怜巴巴的牦牛并没有完全输。That sorry looking Frozen Yak wasn't completely lost.

整个来说,我国牦牛多态性丰富,遗传分化明显。While Jiulong yak and other breeds had more gene flow.

藏区人民最喜食牦牛产的酥油。Tibetan people are most like eating yak butter production.

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它很快就用强壮的手臂杀死了三头牦牛。With its strong arms, it quickly killed three of the yaks.

牦牛为Droma家提供了所需的一切。Yaks provide Droma and her family with everything they need.

大多数野牦牛都是黑褐色的,偶尔会出现棕色、金黄色个体。Most wild yaks are dark brown in color, but a few are yellow.

年的一天,拉卡帕和往常一样赶着牦牛到山上放牧。One day in 1974, Lhakpa took her yaks up the mountain as usual.

牦牛与黄牛起源于不同的母系。The yak and yellow cattle were derived from different matrilines.

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山脚下这样可爱的格子。是一户户人家用来圈养牦牛。"little grids" on the foot of the mountain, they are yaks' lands.

生活条件较好的人家,接待客人的牦牛肉排,饼子和奶茶。The rich family receive guests with Yak meat, biscuit and milk tea.

骨雕的原料主要是牦牛骨和水牛骨。The main materials for bone carving are yak bones and buffalo bones.

草原上的赛马会、赛牦牛是习以为常的文体活动。Racing horse and racing yak are familiar entertainments on grassland.

牦牛是当地人最喜爱的动物,主人常对我说牦牛全身都是宝。The owner told me the yak Yunan's favorite animal and a treasure to them.

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在已查明青海牦牛的85种寄生虫中,优势虫种有17~22种。Of 85 known parasites in the Qinghai yak, there were 17-22 dominant species.

我个人倒是愿意把牦牛奶留给小牦牛,自己还是坚持喝酸奶吧。I think I personally will leave the yak milk to baby yaks and stick to yogurt.

牦牛的雄性性别分化始于妊娠的第36-40天。The sex differentiation in male embryo occurrs on 36th -40th day of gestation.