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公园的景致非常幽美、洁净。Park scenery is very beautiful, clean.

好一幅美丽的图画——文静、朦胧、幽美。It was a beautiful picture-very soft, and dreamy and beautiful.

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他的词婉转幽美,并且带这一股忧伤。His word persuasive serene and beautiful, and belt this sadness.

世界上再也没有这般恬静、幽美的地方了。Nowhere else in the world can there be such a quiet, beautiful place.

而文场的音乐与唱腔却又是音韵缭绕、幽美动听。In plot scenes, music and vocal music are beautifully combined together.

公园里幽美的风景时常能激发咱们的灵感。The beautiful sceneries in the park sometimes stimulate our inspiration.

远离都市的繁杂与喧嚣,领略山谷之幽美与宁静!Far away from noisy cities, this resort is not only beautiful but also peaceful.

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本旅程最后一节目是经过一条风景幽美的小路往海滩走走。The last skirt of our trip was to go through a scenic byway , and stopped at a beach.

北方初秋的夜,月色朦胧,夜色显得那么幽美,生趣盎然。North early autumn night, moonlight dim, night appears to be so beautiful, joyfully lively.

这里腹地坦阔,草绿如茵,林泉相映,环境幽美。Tanzanian hinterland here in width, grass green grass, Linquan matched, the environment beautiful.

贺云用二胡拉出的“江南”是多么的幽美动人,真是一个全新的体验。Have a whole new experience appreciating the song with the soothing sound of Erhu played by He Yun.

如果说打高尔夫是对身心的放逐,那麽幽美的Spa则带您身心回归。If golf is viewed as an exile of your body and mind, then the quiet and beautiful SPA will bring your body and mind back.

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在一个晴朗的秋天早晨,他们到达了他这个新任所的界内,停在那里默想着那地方的幽美。It was a fine, clear, autumn morning, when they came upon the scene of his promotion, and stopped to contemplate its beauties.

它建造在一系列群岛上,周围由水环绕,给人一种幽美之感。It's built on a whole series of islands that really gives you a great sense of serenity because you're surrounded always by water.

公司设在素有“小香港”之称的石狮市,地理位置优越,交通方便,环境幽美。Our company is located in Shishi city, with excellent location, transport links and fine environment, and renowned as "Miniature Hong Kong".

少室山景区自然景观奇特、人文景观丰富,森林环境幽美,尤以山势陡峻、奇峰怪石而雄伟壮观。Mt. Shaoshi Scenic Spot has special natural scenery, rich cultural relics and elegant forest environment. It is grand and magnificent for steep peaks and various shaped rocks.

希望更多的人同我一起分享瑶里的那份幽美神韵,一起沿着我的文字去寻找心底深处的清凉,去发扬和继承悠久灿烂的陶瓷文化。I hope more and more people with me and share the beautiful Yao Li charm, along my words to find the heart of the cool, to inherit and carry forward the splendid ceramic culture.