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寂静的天宫,清冷。Silent Temple, chilly.

河水清冷而温暖。The river qingling and warm.

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清冷中我感受着曾经你给的温暖。When I feel you once gave a warm.

在这清冷的世界,她丢失了她的梦!In this cold world, she lost her dream!

空气更加干净,夜晚变得清冷。The air was clearer now, the night cold.

我们就这样漂向岸边,在清冷的水面上So we drift toward shore, over cold waters

在树枝那清冷的表面上移动的太阳?The sun moving on the chill skin of the branches?

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炎华洞中过于清冷,四人出去回了狐狸洞。Yan Hua hole too chilly, four out back to Fox hole.

灰蒙蒙的天空,考试上鲜红的数字,清冷的风。A grey sky, the test on the red Numbers, chilly wind.

白色是纯洁、高贵、清冷的代名词。White is the pronoun of chasteness, nobility, chilly.

清冷的秋天也将很多乞丐赶到Geed-leh。The cool autumn days also brought many beggars to Geed-leh.

那个裸体女孩坐在池塘边,身上反射出一片清冷的月光。The naked girl sat beside a pond reflecting a slice of moon.

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但这破窗而入的空气又过于清冷,使他无法坦然地长久吸取。But the air was too fresh and chill to be long breathed with comfort.

她的目光,便落在那坐在琴前的清冷男子。Her vision then falls before that sits aboard the piano a lonely man.

伴着今夜清冷的月光,让我最后为你唱一首安眠曲。Let me sing the last lullaby for you, among tonight's clear moonlight.

从火红、到橘红、到金色、再到清冷的浅黄,其容颜都在不断更易。Its complexion changed from red, to orange, to gold, to impassive yellow.

清冷的微风带起红沙,模糊了视线。A cool breeze had lifted sand off the red desert floor, blurring the horizon.

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此曲表现了古代宫女哀怨悲愁的情绪及寂寥清冷的生命意境。It describes the sorrow and plaintive emotion of the ancient lady-in-waiting.

那个清冷的夜晚,毕肯小屋里却是暖意融融,舒适宜人,而且一尘不染。It’s a cool night, but Beacon Cottage is warm, welcoming and spotlessly clean.

皑皑雪峰在明月映照下泛出清冷的光泽,也把澄净夜空衬得更加幽蓝。The snow peaks reflect the moonlight chilly , against the even deeper blue night sky.