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性爱是一种美容美体。Sex is a beauty treatment.

你有美容养生之道吗?Do you have a beauty regimen?

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LASIK手术是一种具有美容性质的手术。LASIK is a cosmetic procedure.

这种加倍的呵护你能从玉兰油美容霜中得到。The kind you get from Oil of Olay.

做一个黄瓜牛油果美容面膜Make a Cucumber Avocado Facial Mask

他的美容医学简直就是小飞侠彼得潘。He is cosmetic medicine's Peter Pan.

凯西和我做了头发和面部美容。Kathy and I got haircuts and facials.

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这种美容香皂泡沫很多。The beauty soap lathers up very well.

许多年老的女人都喜欢进行美容手术。Many old women like to have facelifts.

口蘑是一种较好的减肥美容食品。Tricholoma beauty is a good diet food.

我知道我本应该学习美容疗法。I knew I should have done beauty therapy.

这旅馆里有美容室吗?Are there any beauty parlours in the hotel?

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玛莉在美容沙龙烫头发。Mary is at the beauty salon getting a perm.

人人都希望拥有美容及健康。Everyone wants to achieve beauty and health.

这条街上有美容室吗?Are there any beauty parlours in this street?

听说吃了你的肉能够养颜美容也!Heard that the meat you can eat skincare too!

氧气疗法,听说这个还能美容除皱呢。Oxygen therapy, apparently, reduces wrinkles.

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我发现有些柯基被过分地美容了。I found some of them to be a bit over-groomed.

她是一个美容用品的经销商吧?She’s one of those beautician-slashart dealers?

还有老年斑,别忘了,那可是一个全球美容难题。Age spots are, after all, a global beauty problem