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对于一个已陷于颓败情绪中的国度而言,这不啻雪上加霜。For a country already in a declinist mood, this was a blow.

在英国,制造企业正处于自1980年以来最为颓败的时期。And in Britain manufacturers are at their gloomiest since 1980.

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15年以前,因为工业基础的崩溃,市镇处于颓败时期。Just 15 years ago, the town was worn-out, its industrial base in collapse.

上了塔,到了一颓败的旋转餐厅,那里我对着朦胧地天空的轮廓,拍了照片。Up a tower to a defunct revolving restaurant, where I snapped photos of the hazy skyline.

就好像绽放中的蔷薇香气沁人心脾,将颓败的心情一扫而空。This symbolizes that the fragrance of the rose can relieve the tiredness and bring great mood.

我的向导把我领到一座高大却颓败的房子前,百页窗关着,他敲了几下门。My guide led me to a tall, ruinous house with shuttered windows, and knocked several times at the door.

不管是竭力盛放,还是静默颓败,都如此甘愿和珍重。No matter it is fully blooming or silently declining, willingness and respect we keep to it are always there.

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停战之后的朝鲜半岛依然会是一片颓败、南北分割,那里的人民可能需要花上好几年才能过上得体的生活,有大量的工作需要去完成。The armistice leaves Korea ruined and still divided. It will be years before her people can lead decent lives.

表面上看来,除了生死之间的差别、除了朝鲜的荒凉与颓败,一切都无甚变化。Little seems outwardly to have changed, except for the difference between life and death, quietness and destruction in Korea.

整整飘零了四季,我有幸它,是开在最灿烂的季节,落在最颓败的年华。Full scatter of the four seasons, I was fortunate it was opened, in the most brilliant of the season, on the most decadent of Love.

在1862年初的一连串胜果之后,北军在7月和8月遭遇了颓败的挫折。After a string of military victories in the early months of 1862, Northern armies suffered demoralizing reverses in July and August.

也不要把旧盆土或者碎石等垫在盆底,实际上这会让根部的尖端颓败。Also do not put old pot chards, gravel, or anything else in the bottom of your container. This will actually promote root tip decay.

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还有语文教育人文关怀的缺失导致学生精神家园的苍白颓败。The pallor the vacancy still having Chinese educating a humanity to show solicitude is lost leading to student spirit home is decadent.

八十年代中期以后,中国文坛出现了一批写往昔年代的,以家庭颓败故事为主要内容的小说。Since the 1980s, a number of novels, which concentrated on the stories of the declining families, have emerged in Chinese literary world.

一支常胜之师的特征就是要临危不惧,将颓败和消沉的绪转化为主动的东西。The characteristics of a team who wins often is to have no fear, and to use the frustration and disappointment to turn that into positive things.

而且男孩们,难道我希望你们的星光持久地颓败,同时萎缩下去,变得更加地浓密,但是觉不要到诺娃或者颓废成一片黑洞。And boy do I hope your star continues to collapse, shrinking ever more, becoming denser and denser, but never going Nova or collapsing to be a black hole.

她的声音里透着某种好战的情绪,似乎那些不遵从她号令的都站到了黑暗势力的一边,要对乱扔垃圾、颓败、破败负责。There was a certain combativeness in her voice, as if those who did not help had sided with the dark forces responsible for litter, decay and dilapidation.

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历史给予将要衰退或濒临灭亡的社会一些意味深长的暗示,艺术的颓败和杰出政治家的稀缺便是个中例证。There are meaningful warnings that history gives a threatened or perishing society. Such are, for instance, the decadence of art, or a lack of great statesmen.

树篱的一面是一所破旧的棕色房子,显得颓败荒芜,夏天盖在墙上的藤叶和绕屋的鲜花早已凋零。On one side was an old, brown house, looking rather bare and shabby , robbed of the vines that in summer covered its walls and the flowers, which then surrounded it.

不同的证券在不同的时间会有不同的表现,所以混合资产的类型,你的整个资产组合不会因为某一种证券的颓败而受到影响。Different securities perform differently at any point in time, so with a mix of asset types, your entire portfolio does not suffer the impact of a decline of any one security.