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有回是在屠宰场。Once down by the slaughter-house.

我们有一些刀子在屠宰场。We have some carving knives in the abattoir.

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从屠宰场发出的臭味让她感到恶心。The stink from the slaughter-house turned her up.

关于屠宰场的那些话让我十分恶心!All that talk about abattoirs turned me right off!

屠宰场屠宰动物的地方。Slaughterhouse, A place where animals are butchered.

很快的,它就会被送去屠宰场,就此结束短暂的生命。A short trip to the abattoir and her brief lie is over.

小型屠宰场中,生猪都是被吊起放血。In smaller operations, the pig is hoisted for bleeding.

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在被送到屠宰场宰杀前,这匹马死了。She died before she could be killed at the slaughterhouse.

如果你去屠宰场看看,看看那里发生的事情,你就知道有多可怕。if you look at slaughter houses, what's going on, it's sad.

而且,美国人连去屠宰场干活都不乐意了。Heck, we can't even get Americans to work in slaughterhouses.

而后他们还在高速屠宰场忍受痛苦和恐惧。Then they experience pain and terror at high speed slaughterhouses.

它们有权利走进屠宰场,并且砰的一下就结束掉。They have a right to go into a slaughterhouse and, bang, it’s done.

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农村的屠宰主要在小型屠宰场。In rural settings slaughtering can be done in basic small-scale facilities.

视频显示了印尼一些屠宰场虐待牲畜的情景。It shows the treatment of live animals at some slaughterhouses in Indonesia.

他们还将在屠宰场里上一节课,并可以在之后把屠宰好的肉买回家。They will also get a lesson in butchery and can later buy the meat to take home.

最后,当公牛不再能提供疯狂的骑乘时,它们也会被送到屠宰场。Eventually, when bulls cease to provide a wild ride, they too are sent to slaughter.

他们更注意生产,比那些更密集的屠宰场拥有更多的雇员。They take more care, and have a greater number of staff than more intensive abattoirs.

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可是,一个风高的夜晚,日记人残忍地决定过两个月后把肥胖的的那只送到屠宰场。But on a dark windy night, their master decides to sell the fatter one butcher's house.

你在屠宰场看过那些屠夫们屠杀猪儿们的恐怖场面吗?Have you ever seen the horrible scene that butchers had butchered pigs in the abattoir?

结果就是家畜市场和屠宰场都迅速消失了。The result is that livestock markets have disappeared as swiftly as the slaughterhouses.