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九个敏捷的贵族啃桃仁。Nine nimble nobleman nibbled nuts.

请为做点心剥点胡桃仁。Please shell some walnuts for the cake.

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今天的特色菜是桃仁酥鸭。The special today is pressed duck with walnuts.

我们吃鸡蛋,火腿,腌胡桃仁和干酪。We ate eggs and bacon, pickled walnuts and cheese.

他慢慢地嚼着胡桃仁,完全不理那只熊。He slowly chewed the nuts, ignoring the bear completely.

在青豆上撒少量打碎的烤胡桃仁或核桃仁。Sprinkle chopped, toasted pecans or walnuts over green beans.

桃仁提取液处理并没有提高蘑菇酪氨酸酶活性。Peach kernel extracts did not significantly affect TYE activity.

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目的建立桃仁药材综合质量评价方法。OBJECTIVE To systematically evaluate the quality of Semen Persicae.

这款杏味甜酒从杏仁和桃仁中获得味道,它叫什么名字?This almond-flavored cordial obtains its flavor from crushed apricot and peach pits.

目的建立医院制剂桃仁膝康丸的质量控制方法。Aim to establish a control measure for the hospital preparation-taoren Xikang Pellet.

而坚果内含丰富的镁,因此,在你紧张的时候啃一些杏仁、核桃或胡桃仁能帮你舒缓压力。Nuts are high in magnesium so snack on almonds, pecans or walnuts when you are feeling stressed.

目前我们所吃的大杏仁属于扁桃仁,较小的杏仁属于真正的杏仁。At present we eat big almond kernel, smaller belongs to almond apricot belongs to the real almond.

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若是脾胃虚弱、大便溏泄而兼有瘀血证的病人,则以选用桃仁霜为佳。If the functions of patient's spleen and stomach is weak, then choosing the Taoren frost is better.

本研究对桃仁及其复方合剂作用于小白鼠离体子宫及已抑制或兴奋的子宫进行了试验。Taoren and its compound's action on mouse uterus, inhibited and excited uterus in vitro were tested.

在你电脑旁、视线所及的范围内放一盒扁桃仁,蛋白条也是个好选择。Place a container of almonds and a selection of protein bars by your computer, near your line of vision.

本方法重复性好,所建立的指纹图谱为桃仁药材的质量控制提供了有效手段。With Good reproducibility, fingerprints established for peach seeds provided an effective method for quality control.

桃仁经煎煮后具有一定的毒性,应严格控制其使用剂量,一般以5—12克为宜。The Taoren has a certain toxicity after decoction, should control its dosage strictly, general take 5-12 grams as proper.

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高效液相色谱法同时测定扁桃仁中的水溶性维生素C,B1,B2和B6。Simultaneous Determination of Water-Soluble Vitamins C, B1, B2 and B6 in Almonds by High Performance Liquid Chromatography.

对容易感冒、咳嗽的儿童,可以用黄芪、百合、胡桃仁和甜杏仁熬粥,有补气益肺的作用。For the children who is easy to catch a cold and cough, use Astragalus root, lily, walnut meat and sweet almond to boil porridge.

鸡内金、橘红、昆布、茯苓、高良姜、牡蛎、山楂、桃仁等。Chickens Gizzard-membrane, Tangerine Peel, Kelp, Tuckahoe, Lesser Galangal Rhizome, Oyster Shell, Hawthorn Fruit, Peach Seed, and so on.