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送葬行列Okay, cortege.

送葬马车有几辆?How many coacher shall I have?

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她获准丧假为父亲送葬。To attend her father's funeral.

送葬者都穿着黑衣服。The mourners were dressed in black.

我就像一个没有翅膀的送葬的天使!I like a funereal angel, but have no wing!

送葬的队伍缓缓地穿过肃静的街道。made its way slowly through the silent streets.

金大中送葬者的情绪确实悲痛。THE mood among mourners is appropriately sombre.

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当送葬者开始摇响我葬礼的丧钟。And the undertaker starts to ring my funeral bell.

送葬人举起右手行纳粹告别礼。They waved farewell to their friends on the train.

送葬队伍缓缓地穿过街道。The funeral made its way slowly through the streets.

这才放送葬的队伍出城。This just put the funeral procession out of the city.

送葬者不可以将祭品抛入海。Mourners were not allowed to throw offerings into the sea.

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带来夏日里最最华丽的送葬。To bring the summer far the most ornate funeral procession.

玩家们会为死去的角色送葬守灵。Players will hold funerals and wakes for characters who die.

送葬者泪如雨下,令人心碎。The mourner's profuse tears at the burial were heartbreaking.

当送葬队伍走过时,人群沉默肃立。The crowd stood in respectful as the funeral procession went by.

在春田市,一些家庭可以要求警察为其有偿护送送葬车队。In Springfield, the family can request a police escort for a fee.

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送葬行列正向伏吉拉尔公墓走去。The procession was going in the direction of the Vaugirard cemetery.

街道上聚集起了若干支送葬的队伍,将要向墓地前进。Several funeral processions were massing, ready to march to cemeteries.

对送葬的大气有助益是被运行的夜黑暗。Contributing to the funereal atmosphere is an enforced nocturnal darkness.