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他篡夺了王位。He accroached the throne to himself.

亨利四世篡夺了英国的王位。Henry IV usurped the throne of England.

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我们是神圣王座的篡夺者。We are the Usurpers to the Heavenly Thrones.

韦赛里斯曾叫他们篡夺者的狗。Viserys used to call them the Usurper's dogs.

他因阴谋篡夺皇位而被绞死。He was hanged for plotting to supplant the king.

他逐渐地篡夺老板的权力。Little by little he usurped his boss's authority.

我猜篡夺者将它们碾成了粉末。The usurper had them smashed to powder, I expect.

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如果中国真的篡夺了美国的地位,这会是一个怎样的霸主呢?If China does usurp America, what kind of hegemon will it be?

他们篡夺王位上帝那里所有的判断标准。They are usurping the Throne of God where all Judgement stands.

丞相信誓旦旦说自己没有篡夺汉室之意。Though you have solemnly vowed yourself loyal to His Majesty's Court.

袁世凯迅速篡夺了辛亥革命的胜利果实。Shikai quickly seized the fruits of the victory of the1911 Revolution.

沙贾汗的儿子篡夺王位后,将沙贾汗囚禁长达八年之久。After stealing the throne, Shah Jehan's son imprisoned him for 8 years.

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小狗怀疑大宇宙阴谋篡夺它的位寘。The fondle dog suspects the universe for scheming to take its location.

只有天天再度克服糊口并篡夺自由的人,才配享受糊口或自由。None eis of freedom or of life deserving unless he daily conquers it anew.

袁世凯迅速篡夺了辛亥革命的胜利果实。Yuan Shikai quickly seized the fruits of the victory of the1911 Revolution.

而与此同时,胡安娜的父亲与丈夫私底下共谋篡夺她的皇位。Concurrently, her father and husband covertly conspired to usurp her throne.

袁世凯迅速篡夺了辛亥革命的胜利果实。Yuan Shikai quickly seized the fruits of the victory of the 1911 Revolution.

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对权力的篡夺的担忧远胜于联邦刺激计划。Surely this usurpation is more worrisome than a few federal stimulus programs.

灵视力已在地球所有地方被严重篡夺,不仅是我们地表。Vision has been badly usurped upon all of earth and not just along our surface.

只有天天再度克服糊口并篡夺自由的人,才配享受糊口的自由。None is of freedom or of life deserving unless he daily conquers it anew. –Erasmus.