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东晋太元年间,有个武陵人以捕鱼作为职业。Jin is too yuan, Wuling people fishing for the industry.

达尼尔就这样一直到居鲁士王元年。And Daniel continued even to the first year of king Cyrus.

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到古列王元年、但以理还在。And Daniel continued even unto the first year of king Cyrus.

到居鲁士王元年,但以理还在。And Daniel continued even unto the first year of king Cyrus.

这样、到古列王元年、但以理还在。And Daniel remained there until the first year of King Cyrus.

一九一二年即民国元年废府,仍设道。In the first year of waste in 1912 that House, is still based Road.

旧共和国以1000BBY的卢桑改革为元年。The Old Republic dated years from the Ruusan Reformation of 1,000 BBY.

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秦观、黄庭坚在绍圣元年以后,词作的内容和风格都出现了转型。Contents and styles of the Cis by Qin and Huang after 1094 were changed.

登贞元元年进士第,累至宣歙巡官。The first year of the first Chin Tang Zhen Yuan, tired to declare Xi inspector.

此后,业界人士把2008年称为视频营销元年。Thereafter, the 2008 is called "the video marketing first year" by the insiders.

太初元年,有神石从天而降,四散人间。Beginning the first year, God stone drop from the clouds, scattered in the world.

元和元年登进士第,为皇太子僚属。First Year Scholars yuan and registered the first, for the Crown Prince Liao Shu.

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显庆元年,刘仁愿被授予左骁卫郞将。Qingyuan Xian year, Liu was awarded the Left is willing to Xiao Wei Lang will be.

上元年间,是杜甫晚年漂泊生涯中的一个歇脚期。The period of Shangyuan is a rest stop for Du Fu in his late years of vagrant life.

楼市正在步入个人换房元年多次置业时代来临?The property market is entering a new era of individual wards first time home buyers?

今年是中国-东盟自贸区全面建成的“元年”。This year is the first year of complete establishment of China-ASEAN free trade area.

陆瀍,登贞元元年进士第,官给事中。诗一首。Lu Chan, Tang Zhen Yuan first year Scholars section, official Decadence. Write a poem.

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宋元年间,义乌人在湖边建造亭台楼阁,种植花草树木。In Song-Yuan era, Yiwu people began building houses and planting trees around the lake.

雍正元年,清政府开设了八旗蒙古武举。In the first year of Yongzheng, Qing government set up the military exam of Mongolian eight-counties.

里根分统,让倾向于自在党的丹尼斯失望,分说宣布当年是“圣经元年。”President Reagan , much to the liberally minded Dennis's chagrin, declared it "The Year of the Bible."