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一阵强风短时期的狂风或阵风。A brief gust or blast of wind.

最近,这阵风又吹起来了。The breeze has picked up again.

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这阵风把气球吹得好远。The wind carried the balloon far away.

这阵风快要变成暴风雨了。This wind is threatening to become a storm.

这阵风把帆吹得鼓鼓的。The wind filled the sails, ie made them swell out.

强劲的阵风激起了落叶漩涡。The strong gusts whipped up eddies of fallen leaves.

一阵风,两阵风,无数呼动的风阵。One gust, two gusts, numerous whizzing gusts of wind.

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阵风吹来,雨帘晃动,雨中之景好像也在飘忽不定。Gust of wind blowing, rain sway, the scene also seems to.

阵风把犹他州野火吹至盐湖城郊区。Gusty winds whip Utah wildfire into Salt Lake City suburb.

阵风席卷而过,裹挟地面的羽毛,扑向海面。Gusting winds sent ground storms of feathers scurrying seaward.

并且探讨了阵风锋在短时预报中的应用。The application of gust front to nowcasting is also considered.

驾车人士如驶经高速公路或天桥,应留神强劲阵风吹袭。Drivers using highways and flyovers should be alert to strong gusts.

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海阔天空,我是阵风,把旗帜飞扬到南北西东。Seasky, I wind, dust the banner of the North-South West to the East.

几阵风吹来,要比别的更能说明情况。There are some gusts of wind which speak more distinctly than others.

这款飞机与美国的F-35、俄罗斯的苏-30、法国的阵风战机没得比!This is no match for American F-35, Russian Su-30, French Rafale! ! !

这阵风刮来,我们好多人可能就会凋谢。This gust wind be pared off, our a lot of people possibility will fade.

崇武以南沿海七至八级,阵风九至十级。South of Chongwu coast seven to eight levels, Rafale nine to ten levels.

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直到这阵风停下来并变回来前,你不会知道该向那个方向前进。Until the wind stops moving and shifting , you won't know which way to go.

法国阵风具有双引擎带来的让人惊讶的机动性,因此,它超级酷。The French Rafale is a twin-enginemarvel of maneuverability, thus, super cool.

调查显示,意外当日刮起凛烈阵风。Investigation revealed that there was strong gusty wind on day of the accident.