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你注意到这些纺织品了吗?Have you noticed these weavings?

这种纺织品容易洗干净。This kind of fabric cleans easily.

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欢迎您来到天然居纺织品店!Welcome to Nature fiber Textile shop!

纺织品项须有内箱。Textile items must have inner cartons.

上海天堂鸟纺织品有限公司。Shanghai paradise bird textile co. , Ltd.

他经营一家小型纺织品印花厂。He ran a small printing plant for fabrics.

里奇·德拉诺是竹制纺织品公司的创办者,他自称是第一个用竹子织布的人。Rich Delano is founder of Bamboo Textiles.

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所有的纺织品都减价了。All the textile prices have been marked down.

商周和汉时都有彩绘的纺织品。Shang and Zhou and Han have painted textiles.

欢迎来到吴江市裕成纺织品有限公司!Welcome to Wujiang Yucheng Textile Co. , Ltd!

我公司提供种袋和纺织品。My company provides kinds of bags and textiles.

其中包括家具,纺织品和机械。They include furniture, textiles and machinery.

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推车架、座椅、提篮和纺织品套装。A chassis, a seat, a carry cot, and textile sets.

谁愿为农业用纺织品“买单”?。When to pay the agriculture-use textile products?

那人编织纺织品并且制作龟型首饰。The men wove textile and crafted tortoise jewelry.

适用于白色棉质、麻质和混纺织品。For use on white cotton, linen and blended fabrics.

地板上高高地堆放着许多包纺织品。The floor was stacked high with bales of dry goods.

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中国棉纺织品出口形势不乐观。China cotton textile export situation not optimistic.

日用纺织品,珠,皮带,内胎及批量原料。Calendar fabric, beads, belts, inner tubes & batch stock.

这种料子是纯羊毛与长毛绒的混纺织品。This material is a mixture fabric of pure wool and plush.