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本周你的日程之中应有社会活动。Social activity should be on your agenda this week.

那个会社筹办的这次舞会是上流社会活动。The ball organised by that club was a blue- blooded event.

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该组织还带头参与中国的各种社会活动。The group also spearheads various social programs in China.

这不仅仅是一个财务问题,也是一种社会活动。This should be not only a financial issue, but a social one.

教育是以人为培养对象的一种社会活动。Education is a social activity which aims at cultivating talents.

如果能走出去多参加社会活动就能扩大自己的朋友圈子。You can expand your circle of friends if you get out and socialize.

经济和社会活动是全球性的,但是政治力量还是本土性的。Economic and social activity is global, but political power is local.

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乐舞一般是部落社会的全体社会活动。Music and dancing were activities involving the whole of tribal society.

但这个句子是一个完美的例子,米塞斯通过这个例子告诉了我们一些对社会活动幼稚、直觉的看法是完全错误的。But it’s a perfect example of how Mises showed that untutored intuitions about

比昂多是意大利文艺复兴时期著名社会活动家和学者。Flatjo Bjondo was a famous social activist and scholar in the Italian Renaissance.

大量的假消息源就这样出现了,据社会活动人士反映,其中一些就是政府当局炮制的。A number of fake feeds were set up, some by the authorities, according to activists.

根据普罗文斯的观察,谈话中的笑实质上可以说是社会活动的润滑剂。The conversational laughter Provine observed essentially acts as a social lubricant.

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社会活动在此区域是很便利的。According to this J1 employer, social activities in this locality are very accessible.

原本就是一名社会活动人士,他想让更多人知道,艾滋病的破坏性何其之大。I didn't know that it was going to be the photo that changed how people looked at AIDS.

在学习之外,小鸥同学积极参加各项学校活动和社会活动。Xiaoou is also an active leader and participant in various school and social activities.

社会生态系统理论则是从社会活动主体的角度来考察网络生态的作用。The society ecosystem theory then is inspecting the network ecology from the social activity.

这位社会活动学家与成千的支持者扎营在新德里的一露天场地。The activist has been encamped in an open-air venue in New Delhi with thousands of supporters.

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通过分析发现,太极拳运动不仅是一种体育锻炼活动,同时也是一项团体性较强的社会活动。This article finds that shadowboxing exercise are both a kind of sports and a social activity.

经济和社会活动导致了城际旅客对交通工具的选择行为。Economic and social activities cause inter-city passengers choice among different traffic tools.

与复社社会活动形成鲜明照映的是复社的社会思想和经世学术。Corresponding with the Fu She social activity was the social thought and the statecraft academic.