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他用锯子深切入树身。He gashed the tree with a saw.

让我们切入正题。So, we need to get down to that.

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切入重点吧!我们已经听厌了这类故事。Cut to the chase! We're tired of the story already.

有一年秋天,邻居砍倒了一棵空心树,我用链锯切入那倒下的老山茱萸。One fall I gutted a bee tree that a neighbor felled.

路切入而进入埃米特导致荒山。Road cut into the barren hills which lead into Emmett.

与编辑保持联系,以防你的故事或者切入角度被改变。Stay in touch in case the story, or your angle, changes.

好的.至少我们现在知道怎么回事了.让我们切入正题吧.Ok, at least we know now. Let`s just get down to business.

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公道设计刀具的切入与切出的方向。Reasonable design tools to cut into and cut out direction.

标准普尔500指数收在200日移动均线切入位1,111.33点下方.The S&P 500 ended below 1111.33, the 200-day moving average.

也可以在窗口顶部或者底部切入/切出。It can be docked and undocked at the top or bottom of the window.

继续这一航向切入航道,允许盲降进入。Continue the heading to intercept localizer, cleared for ILS approach.

三角进攻进行得很流畅,很干脆的传球和无球跑动切入。The triangle was running smoothly, with crisp passing and off-the-ball cuts.

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右转航向350切入航道,距着陆点27海里。Turn right heading350 to intercept the localizer, 27 miles from the touchdown.

本论文选取“生命”视角切入狄尔泰美学思想的研究。This thesis analyzes Dilthey's aesthetic ideology from the perspective of"life".

本文拟从文化、作家和文体几个层面切入,试图对张可久散曲风格成因作初步探析。The paper will try to make simple analysis to it from culture , writer and style.

Wald表示,标普500指数的50日移动均线切入位现在是下跌的关键支撑位.Wald said the S&P 500's 50-day moving average was now key support on the downside.

取出后纵横状切入面团一半深成为交叉状,轻轻扯拉出四角成为星状。Cut a cross halfway through the dough and pull out four corners to form a star shape.

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在罚球线,用他的快速切入,科比时无敌的,球员们说。From the free-throw line, with his dribble intact, Bryant is at his best, players say.

随着磨粒切入锥角的增大,磨削力明显增大。Grinding forces increase with grinding depth, but decrease with the grinding velocity.

在研究取径上,本文由「作品」与「文化历史」两大面向来切入研究对象。This paper researches the Anthology in two aspects, namely, works and cultural history.