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而且也同样是残酷的。And it's also cruel.

永诀了,残酷的世界啊。Good-bye, cruel world.

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我既狡诈又残酷。I am cunning and cruel.

我也只好承认现实的残酷。I have to accept the reality.

残酷的男孩竟用石头打那条狗。The cruel boy stoned the dog.

一个残酷的词句可能折损一条生命。A cruel word may wreck a life.

但在海底,拖网捕鱼是很残酷的。But bottom trawling is brutal.

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残酷的规矩还不如没有规矩。Better no rule than cruel rule.

说实话,你会残酷到什么程度?Honestly. How far would you go?

他们叫她残酷的考尔拉。Korra the Cruel, they call her.

这些空房子看上去是那么残酷。The empty houses look too grim.

属于或关于德拉古或他残酷的法律的。Draco or his harsh code of laws.

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但是伴随着一个残酷的倾向。But a brutal streak went with it.

他的话听起来又冷又残酷。His words sounded cool and cruel.

他们残酷地为死者报仇。They revenged their dead cruelly.

这是非笔舌所可形容的残酷。This is cruelty beyond expression.

孤独便残酷地统治整个世界。Alonenss enfolds the world cruelly.

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他可能遇到可怕的残酷待遇。He might suffer horrible cruelties.

这是对甘地最残酷的打击。It was the cruellest blow to Gandhi.

残酷邪恶并且野蛮的人。A diabolically evil or wicked person.