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想象自己置身于那样一个蜜蜂嘤嘤的空地。Imagine yourself in that bee-loud glade.

电灯边蚊子苍蝇嗡嗡嘤嘤。Mosquitoes and flies buzzed around our electric lanterns.

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好老头贝尼特斯也在安菲尔德嘤嘤哭泣。And good old Rafa seems to be teetering on the brink over at Anfield.

当来自未来的旅人必须开口时,他哀哀嘤嘤而不讲话。When a traveler from the future must talk, he does not talk but whimpers.

婴儿般的,嘤嘤地,两行寒露在脸颊上流淌。That of a baby, weeping, whimpering, frosty dews align down on his cheeks.

今天大地在太阳光里向我嘤嘤哼鸣,像一个织着布的妇人,用一种已经被忘却的语言,哼着一些古代的歌曲。The earth hums to me today in the sun, like a woman at her spinning, some ballad of the ancient time in a forgotten tongue.

仿佛一无所求,她静静地坐着,这时婴儿已吃饱了,但由于奶头不在嘴里而嘤嘤啼哭。She sat silent, intent on nothing , while the baby, already glutted with milk, whimpered because he had lost the friendly nipple.

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蜂儿上下翻飞,嘤嘤忙碌着,这快乐的精灵仿佛吟唱着喜庆的歌谣,为辛勤的老百姓奏响丰收的前奏。A bee flying up and down, what the busy, the happy elf like singing a happy song, for the hard people played the prelude of harvest.

酋长,我到达山顶了,我看到繁花夹道,流泉淙淙,鸟鸣嘤嘤,那地方真不坏啊!Lord, I've been to the mountaintop where I saw flowers of all sorts lining both sides of a path, babbling spring water and singing birds. That's a real nice place.

我知道有一个用噪音扰乱了半个王国的谎言,虽然由于它的骄傲自大而让人不知其家系,但我仍记得它嘤嘤低语时的情景。I know a lie that now disturbs half the kingdom with its noise, of which, although too proud and great at person to won its parents, I can remember its whisperhood.

我感觉脸上像被人扇了几个耳光,火辣辣地痛,耳畔也似有千万只蜜蜂嘤嘤嗡嗡地叫,眼前的啥东西都变成双份。After hearing it, my faces seemed to be slapped and got a searing pain, while there seemed to be millions of bees humming around my ears, and everything in front of me seemed to be doubled.

她高喊救命。喊了又喊。最先她喊的那声「救命」十分的清晰宏亮,但慢慢地就不行了。她的声音像狗的吠叫,然后就像嘤嘤噎噎孩的哭泣声。没有人来。She shouted for help. She did it again and again. At first she yelled the word "Help" very clearly, but later not. She sounded like a dog barking, and then like a whimpering child. No one came.

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当一个脆弱的孩子睁着惊恐的眼睛在你面前嘤嘤哭泣,她瘦小的手捂着瘦小的脸,哭着回忆一件邻居射杀事件时,你会情不自禁地想把她拥入怀中抚慰一番。When a frail-looking child with startled eyes breaks down crying, her tiny hands covering her tiny face as she talks about a neighborhood shooting, it's hard not to want to gather her up in your arms.