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五个士兵发射催泪弹。Five soldiers shot the teargas.

也许他们应该使用催泪弹吧。Perhaps they should have used tear gas.

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即使是在自己家里,他们依然用催泪弹袭击我们。We are being tear-gassed even in our homes.

为驱散人群施放了催泪弹。Tear-gas bombs were set off to break up the crowds.

有报道称对示威者使用了催泪弹。There were reports of teargas used against protesters.

后来我看到他们使用水炮和催泪弹进行干预。Then I watched as they moved in with water cannon and tear gas.

警察施放催泪弹企图驱散人群。The police fire tear-gas shells in an attempt to disperse the crowd.

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在一些城市,警察用警棍及催泪弹控制愤怒的投资者。In some cities, police used batons and tear gas to control angry investors.

警告之后,第一行的士兵向人群射催泪弹。After the warnings, the soldiers in the first row shot teargas into the crowd.

尽管警察点燃催泪弹,愤怒的抗议者并没有后退的打算。Despite police firing tear gas, angry protesters show no intention of receding.

在数个城市发生的由反对派的支持者举行的示威活动被催泪弹镇压。Protests by opposition supporters in several cities were quelled with tear gas.

纯爱小说大师的最新爱情催泪弹。The latest 4- hanky love story by the master of sweet, heartwarming romantic tales.

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由于现场情况混乱,莱姆一边躲避警方的催泪弹,一边抢拍照片。As the scene of confusion, Lyme while avoiding the police tear gas, while candid photos.

有人听见一个做生意的美国佬在问警察为什么不用催泪弹。One yankee business-man had been overheard asking the police why they didn't use tear-gas.

“警察来了,他们向我们射击催泪弹,”一名抗议者告诉新闻机构。"Police are coming, they are shooting teargas at us, " one protester told the news agency.

警方在深水埗一公寓内缴获上百支真假枪械、催泪弹、迫击炮弹,以及3000多粒各式子弹。Police seized more than 100 real and imitation firearms, teargas grenades and mortar shells.

愤怒的警察与科雷亚总统对峙,并在总统试图会见他们时发射催泪弹。Angry police confronted Mr. Correa and fired tear gas at him when he tried to meet with them.

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又是一个午夜的来袭,郑秀文的歌声撩人心伤,像一个催泪弹,引人泪落。It is a midnight raid, Sammi Cheng's singing sultry heart, like a tear gas, fetching a tear drop.

当时卡斯巴工薪阶层的年轻人与警察产生冲突,随后警方使用了催泪弹。And youths in the working class district, the Kasbah, had a clash with police and they used tear gas.

坦桑尼亚警察很少碰到民众反抗,这次也已经使用瓦斯催泪弹对付粗暴吵闹的反对派群体。Tanzania's police, who rarely confront civil disobedience, have tear-gas sed rowdy opposition rallies.