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贪婪是损毁幸福的祸根。Avarice is the bane to happiness.

我不会损毁她美丽的面容。I will not disfigure her pretty face.

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大火损毁了整幢建筑。The fire havocked throughout the building.

电单车和汽车均严重损毁。Both the bike and car were severely damaged.

他用棒球棒恶意损毁了一辆汽车。He maliciously damaged a car with a baseball bat.

外部严重损毁的反应堆出现在我们面前。We could see the ravaged exterior of the reactors.

他的攻击马吉安为损毁圣卢克的福音。He attacks Marcion for mutilating St. Luke's Gospel.

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过重和过多的交通附于这种材料商能损毁它。Too much weight and travel over the material can damage it.

附近有近100所民房被夷平或是严重损毁。Close to 100 nearby homes were levelled or severely damaged.

不要让小小的争端损毁了一场宏大的交谊。Donat let just some dispute stop working a great friendship.

因此当灾难袭来,建筑常常是大面积损毁。So, when a disaster strikes, the damage is often widespread.

离婚证遗失、损毁或不一致。The divorce certificates were lost, damaged or inconsistent.

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照片中显示的是震后查尔斯顿市破烂的街道和被损毁的房屋。A damaged brick house and street in Charleston are shown here.

现金券如有遗失或损毁,恕不补发。The cash coupons are not replaceable in case of loss or damage.

两名伴损毁二尖瓣的男性术后死亡。Two men with failed mitral valves died after the initial surgery.

目前暂无严重损毁或伤亡报导。There have been no reports of significant damage or of fatalities.

城中一座被损毁教堂的鸟瞰图An aerial view of a damaged cathedral in Christchurch, New Zealand.

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自从房基被洪水损毁后,房子很不安全。The house is unsafe since the foundations were undermined by floods.

会员证一经涂改或严重损毁均告无效。Membership card would become invalid if altered or seriously damaged.

他们说,那个井室又窄又黑,里面还有许多损毁的设备。They said the chamber was narrow, dark and full of mangled equipment.