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为它们争辩。Argue for them.

这是一场科学的争辩。That's scientific talk.

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与人争辩正在兴头,你突然尖叫一声,“等一下!You suddenly shout, “Wait!

和他争辩也是白搭。It's no use arguing with him.

她与乔发生了怒气冲天的争辩。She had a wild argument with Joe.

律师逐点进行争辩。The lawyer contested every point.

多迪克争辩说曾有先例。He can argue that there is a precedent.

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“别把老板加成好友,”他们会争辩道。"Don't friend the boss, " they would argue.

我的厌倦与那缓慢的暮色在争辩。My loathing wrestles with the slow twilights.

好啦,别吹牛,别争辩,快去吧!Now, stop swaggering and arguing, and be off!

假设共同体主义者的争辩是对的。Supposed the communitarian argument is right.

帕奎奥的粉丝会争辩说,他们的偶像在对练中有所保留。So what's the drawback of being a fight scribe?

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笑容满面,欲与天下人争辩。Is ready to argue, he smiles, with any stranger.

这位律师强有力的争辩博得陪审团之信服。The lawyer's cogent arguments convince the jury.

但是他最终还是改弦易辙,对这一点,他并不争辩。But he doesn’t dispute that he changed direction.

争辩的核心是如何建立疗养院。It is a debate about how to construct sanatorium.

谁愿意劝告他们,与他们争辩呢?Who would want to remonstrate and argue with them?

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在那场争辩之后,她好几个小时都没平静下来。She didn’t cool down for hours after that argument.

然后罗尔斯争辩,如果你拥有的只是形式上的平等Then Rawls argues, if all you have is formal equality

偏激的抨击是则是争辩中失败的象征。Ad hominem attacks are a signal of defeat in a debate.