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有一天,田纳西河沿岸出现了暴风雨。One day a thunderstorm blew up along the Tennessee River.

在田纳西河及其支流上都修建了大型水坝。Big dams were built across the Tennessee river and its tributaries.

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田纳西河刻蚀着坎伯兰高原的东部边缘。The Tennessee River sculpts the east side of the Cumberland Plateau.

田纳西河刻蚀著坎伯兰高原的东部边缘。The Tennessee River sculpts the east side of the Cumberland Plateau.

这位当选总统视察了田纳西河流域。The President-elect visited the Tennessee Valley in company with Norris.

对于像田纳西河流域治理工程这样的宏伟工程,我们仍需进行同样的推理。We must apply the same reasoning, once more, to great projects like the Tennessee Valley Authority.

这座核电站能承受6.0级的地震,以及田纳西河上百万年的洪水。This plant is designed to withstand a 6.0 earthquake and a million-year flood on the Tennessee River.

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相比起4月29日,在田纳西河和坎伯兰河以及其支流在5月4日要宽阔得多。The Tennessee and Cumberland Rivers and their tributaries are wider on May 4 than they were on April 29.

进行上述试验的地区正是美国田纳西河所灌溉的地区。The district where the experiment was carried out was the area watered by the Tennessee River in the U. S. A.

照片中的这些小黄点就是漂浮在美国田纳西河上的玩具鸭。All those tiny yellow dots in this picture are rubber ducks floating down the Tennessee River in the United States.

2012年,科学家将一种在田纳西河里发现的有浅绿色和橙色斑点的淡水镖鲈命名为奥巴马。Scientists named an aqua and orange speckled freshwater darter found in the Tennessee River Etheostoma Obama in 2012.

既受到高压系统所困,又受到来自墨西哥湾的水汽补充,风暴向田纳西河谷释放了强降水。Trapped in place and fed by humid air from the Gulf of Mexico, the storms unleashed heavy rain on Tennessee and Kentucky.

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第一次世界大战期间,政府在田纳西河上建立了水坝,为战时所需硝酸盐的生产提供电力。Duringthe First World War, the governmenthadconstructed a dam on the Tennessee Rivertoprovide power for wartime nitrate production.

以此为起点,他雄心勃勃,开始进行其他的公共事业,包括接下来由田纳西河流域管理局建设的29座水坝。It became the launching pad for all his other ambitious public undertakings, including the 29 dams built by the Tennessee Valley Authority that were to follow.

田纳西河入口港口,在南北战争中具有战略性的地方并于最终于1863年被联邦军队攻占。A port of entry on the Tennessee River, it was strategically important during the Civil War and was finally taken by Union forces in November1863. Population, 152, 466.

就在南方军队准备渡过田纳西河的时候,他们已经显得狼狈不堪,毫无队形可言了,许多人因为寒冷的天气、饿,或者是不断的行进而濒临死亡。By the time the Southerners had re-crossed the Tennessee River, the Army of Tennessee had disintegrated, as men were dying from cold or famine or taking off for shelter in different directions.

田纳西河支流之一的鲍威尔河曾在1996年由于煤矿淤泥泄漏遭污染,这一事故连同其他一些因素的影响,导致濒危物种黄鳍连尾的分布范围骤减。The Powell River, a tributary of the Tennessee, was devastated in 1996 by spills of coal-mine sludge, which, among other things, drastically shrank the range of the threatened yellowfin madtom.