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我是磁力服务的克里昂。I am Kryon of Magnetic Service.

反重力等离子,磁力场Antigravity Plasma, Magnetic force fields

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我在磁力医院做临床工作。Well, I do clinicals at a magnet hospital.

但是磁力推进有一些缺陷。But magnetic propulsion has some drawbacks.

也许移石是由磁力造成的。Maybe the rocks are moved by a magnetic force.

有磁力的白板虽然价格昂贵,却是很关键的设备。Magnetic whiteboards are expensive, but quite key.

这就是为什么我是“磁力服务”的克里昂的原因。This is the reason I am Kryon of "Magnetic Service."

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不会腐蚀磁力吸盘上的铜纹部份。Will not attack brass serrations of magnetic chucks.

亲爱的各位,我是磁力服务的克莱昂。Greetings, dear ones, I am Kryon of Magnetic Service.

磁力起重机把废铁从废铁堆里吊起来装进卡车。The magnet crane moves scrap iron from piles into trucks.

等离子由强大的磁力集中在一起。The plasma is held together by incredibly strong magnetics.

那麽,这个向心力就只能是由电磁力提供的了。Then, the centrifugal force will be the electromagnetic force.

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磁力,重力和光是你们实相中的神秘事物。Magnetics, gravity and light are the mysteries of your reality.

该专用智能磁力起动器通过5芯电缆与采煤机连接。It can be connected with the coal cutter through a 5 core cable.

永磁力合闸保持,无需合闸线圈工作,没有线圈烧毁的可能。Switch on by permanent magnetic force. Coils will not get burnt.

磁力传动器亦可用于各种高压容器及搅拌釜上。The magnetic coupling also can be used in autoclaves and mixers.

该泵为磁力泵技术高领域的结晶。The pump is crystallization in the hi-tech field of magnetic pump.

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父亲的那个世界对她产生了一种难以名状的磁力。She had an indescribably magnetic attraction to her father's world.

电永磁起重器是当前国际上流行的新型磁力器件。Electropermanent lift magnet is a new type of magnetic force device.

使用高性能磁钢,具强磁力,残留磁性少。Made from permanent magnet, with strong and less remained magnetism.