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他慢慢向她靠拢。He edged up to her.

像乌龟一样慢慢跑。Run like a tortoise.

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他慢慢的站起来。He stands up, slowly.

抱歉,慢慢说!Is sorry, slowly say!

这条虫子向前慢慢移动着。The worm inched along.

等等,慢慢说。Wait, and speak slowly.

随波慢慢流去。Go gently with the flow.

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不急,您慢慢决定。Take your time deciding.

阴谋慢慢败露。The plot develops slowly.

这一年慢慢过去了。The year went out slowly.

我们慢慢从人群中挤了出来。We edged out of the crowd.

他会慢慢想通的。He'll come round by and by.

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新剧慢慢追,谢谢分享!Thanks a jillion! New epi !

汤放在火上慢慢煮。The soup am left to simmer.

慢慢的,从一数到十。Count to ten -- very slowly.

别着急,慢慢找。Don’t worry. Take your time.

斯齐普也慢慢熟悉了亚苏。Skip grew to know Yazoo too.

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要不要上来慢慢说?Want to come up and tell me?

有理慢慢儿说,何必发脾气。He has never lost his temper.

我慢慢走进休息室。I ambled into the lounge area.