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还原数据库。Restore the database.

极大型数据库?。VLDB? Very Large Data Base?

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它是一个内存数据库。It is an in-memory database.

断开数据库连接。Disconnect from the database.

虚拟数据库级别?。VDL? Virtual Data base Level?

都在VICAP数据库中有登记。All were inthe VICAP database.

接下来,连接到该数据库。Next, connect to the database.

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这是美国地质学书目数据库的网站。This is the website of GeoRef.

每个单元使用一个数据库。There is one database per cell.

这是地质学文摘数据库的网页。This is the webpage of Geobase.

向源数据库添加数据。Add Data to the Source Database.

人权侵害数据库。Human rights violation database.

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一切都从数据库开始。It all starts with the database.

数据库里的符号,仅仅如此?Numbers in database, is that it?

查询或更新数据库。Interrogate or update a database.

提供一个数据库名和别名。Supply a database name and alias.

升级所有数据库的模式。Upgrade schemas of all databases.

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数据库是“组态王”最核心的部分。Database is King part of the core.

它可以安全地在任何数据库上运行。It is safe to run on any database.

系统和数据库停机时间长。Long system and database downtime.