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坐票还是卧铺?Seats or sleeper?

请问要卧铺还是硬座?。Berth or hard seat?

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请问要卧铺还是硬座?。Sleeper or hard-seat?

你要卧铺还是坐票?Do you want a sleeper or seat?

他现在在卧铺车里。He is now in the sleeping car.

我可换到卧铺车厢吗?Could I change to a sleeper,please?

你要卧铺还是小客室?Do you want a berth or a compartment?

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即使你走运,弄到一个卧铺If you are lucky enough to get a sleeper

我要预订去芝加哥的卧铺。I’d like to reserve a sleeper to Chicago.

我们的卧铺是5号中铺和下铺。Our berths are number 5 lower and middle.

我们的卧铺是5号中铺和下铺。Our berths are number 5 middle and lower.

大不列颠只有两条卧铺列车线路,都是快客。Great Britain has only two sleeper trains.

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你要卧铺还是小客室?Can I make a shift into another compartment?

我不需要卧铺,可软座我是要的。I want to book a sleeper ticket for chicago.

他把自己的卧铺让给了一个生病的老太太。He sacrificed his sleeper to a sick old lady.

可以在火车上为3名乘客提供卧铺。Three passengers can be berthed on the train.

长途列车备有卧铺、餐车。Long-distance trains with sleeper, dining car.

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是的,先生,请给我你的车名和卧铺号码。Yes, sir. I'll need your car and berth number.

第3号包房有一个软席卧铺。There is a soft berth in Compartment No. three.

明和赵姗坐上了回沈阳的卧铺车。Ming and Zhao Shan take berth tickets to Shenyang.